Johnny Depp dates with his lawyer

It is rumored that the actor had an affair with lawyer Joelle Rich, who represented his interests in the case against The Sun newspaper.

Recently, rumors have been circulating in the star party that Johnny Depp, who recently defeated his ex-wife in court, has a new passion.

So, the actor is credited with an affair with lawyer Joelle Rich, who represented his interests in the case against The Sun newspaper.
Johnny Depp and Joelle Rich
Johnny Depp and Joelle Rich
They say that the couple has been dating for months. And if earlier they carefully hid from prying eyes, meeting in hotels, now they are no longer hiding, showing their feelings in full.
Their chemistry is off the charts. Everything is serious between them. They really have a relationship, says the tabloid Us Weekly.
  • I'm not trying to make an event out of it. I think that if I want to share my joy with someone, I will tell everything myself when the time comes.
    2022-09-23 16:14:19