Either way, their history together is much longer: they had been together for 9 years before getting married. Why did their relationship, resembling a perfect union, end on such a note? We at zoomboola.com are sure that actually, it’s no surprise how it all ended considering how their story began.
Reason number one: «You can’t be happy by making someone else sad»
The affair of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came to life on the set of «Mr. and Mrs. Smith», and it’s no surprise – the movie was so passion-driven and exciting that it would’ve been shocking if nothing had sparked between the two. All would’ve been great if Brad wasn’t married to Jennifer Aniston at that time, and their split is actually said to have happened because of his affair with Jolie. Even though Aniston was the one who filed for divorce, society perceived her as the victim.
Jolie knew better than anyone else that Pitt is volatile and tends to give in to his feelings on the movie set. Of course this made her feel stressed and depressed, and sooner or later, this deep-seated lack of trust was bound to cause disaster.
Reason number two: stars of same grandeur
Very rarely do relationships between two equally great stars turn out to be successful: strong personalities aren’t used to compromising, each one of them sticks to their guns, and if their professional worlds collide at any point, competition may surge as well. When he was in a relationship with Aniston, Brad was the lead. With Jolie – that wasn’t an option by default. The star union «Brangelina» was unstable – starting with the issue of raising several children (both their own and adoptive) and ending with their ways of passing the time.
Reason number three: what goes around comes around
Angelina Jolie, coming from a long line of actors, didn’t reject her father’s last name for no reason – she has a pretty complicated relationship with John Voight. And the reason behind that is his unscrupulous cheating on her mother. Her subconscious fear to repeat her mother’s fate, quite possibly, was the source of her not trusting Brad. The amount of negative feelings she had towards her father seamlessly crept into her own family life, and that was inevitable: Brad, who fall in love with Jolie on set, was unreliable from the start.Perhaps Jolie and Pitt shouldn’t have taken their relationship to the next level – they’ve had quite the peaceful life together for over 7 years without making it official. Maybe the ‘secret ingredient’ to their happy life was the feeling of freedom.