Aerosmith`s Lead Ainger, Steven Tyler, Has Been Accused of Sexual Assault

Jeanne Bellino claims she was a victim of the artist. She told the story of how Steven Tyler attacked her back in the 1970s.

The Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler faces an allegation of sexual assault involving a teenage model. The incident reportedly occurred in 1975. Jeanne alleges she met the singer in New York when she was 17, and he was 27. The lawsuit is based on gender violence, and the victim is demanding compensation.

Bellino alleges that she met Tyler after a friend arranged a meeting with Aerosmith at the Warwick Hotel in Manhattan. The lawsuit states that Bellino asked Steven a question about the lyrics of a song, which upset him. The musician forced the girl into a phone booth.
Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler
"Holding her captive, Tyler put his tongue down her throat and placed his hands on her body, chest, buttocks, and genitals, moving and removing her clothes, and pressing her against the phone booth wall. While Tyler molested and groped the plaintiff, he moved, pretending to be having sex with her. Bystanders stood near the phone booth and laughed; none intervened," the document claims.

According to Rolling Stone magazine, Bellino affirmed that at the time, she weighed about 115 pounds, and it was her first sexual experience. Her attempts to break free from Tyler's grip were unsuccessful. The singer held her tightly.
Young Tyler
Young Tyler
"Tyler's penis was erect, and as he rubbed it against her, it was clear to her that he was not wearing underwear beneath his thin trousers. The plaintiff resisted and tried her best to break free, but Tyler held her," the lawsuit states.

Eventually, Bellino managed to get out of the phone booth and then decided to stay with the group because she relied on her friend for transportation. After the group returned to the Warwick Hotel, Tyler forcibly kissed Bellino and pressed against her. The lawsuit alleges that after Bellino continued to resist, Tyler supposedly whispered in her ear that he would "go to my room to do something quickly" and that afterward, he would call her to his room.

Jeanne explained that she was crying and shaking, and Tyler called the lobby to have an employee tell her that she could go to his room. She claims she was afraid that "she wouldn't be able to speak and was paralyzed." Bellino shook her head at the employee before heading for the exit. The doorman "threw her" into a taxi near the hotel, and when she returned home, she told her sister what had happened.

Bellino assured that she had suffered and would continue to suffer: experiencing severe mental and physical pain, serious and permanent emotional distress, physical manifestations of emotional stress, embarrassment, humiliation, physical, personal, and psychological injuries. The lawsuit also states that as a result of the incident, she was hospitalized and received medications. Jeanne still needs medication.
Julia Holcomb (left)
Julia Holcomb (left)
This lawsuit was filed almost a year after Julia Misley, formerly known as Julia Holcomb, filed a similar lawsuit against Tyler. Misli claimed that Steven used his fame and status to court, manipulate, exploit, and subject her to sexual assault.