Tom Holland – The Crowded Room
"The Crowded Room", a television series released in the summer of 2023, is based on Daniel Keyes' book "The Minds of Billy Milligan", which, in turn, was inspired by real events. Tom Holland's character, a young man Danny, suffers from a mental disorder that was unknown and unacknowledged by science at the time (late 70s). Following the conclusion of the shoot, the actor, at the pinnacle of his career, was compelled to take a creative hiatus for an entire year - such was the emotional toll of this role. "I am not adverse to hard work. I had long lived with the notion that hard work equates to good work. However, this series broke me," Tom admitted.George Clooney – Syriana
Although unknown at the time, George Clooney nearly lost his life on the set of "Syriana". The actor virtually broke his back and, under the impression that he would never walk again, Clooney sank into a deep depression.I was laying in the hospital bed with an IV in my arm, unable to move, with headaches akin to a stroke, and during my three-week treatment, I began pondering how to swiftly end the suffering.
Isla Fisher – Now You See Me
The film "Now You See Me" captivated audiences, largely due to the myriad of illusions performed by the actors on screen. However, for Isla Fisher, not everything was as enchanting. The film contains a scene that keeps the audience on edge from beginning to end: Fisher's character, illusionist Henley, dives into a water tank chained up, and miraculously manages to escape. Regrettably, things didn't go as planned. Isla recalls, "My chain got stuck. I was supposed to swim to the bottom and stand up. Everyone thought I was just acting realistically, but I was actually drowning and desperately struggling with my shackles." Fortuitously, the actress was freed – a stuntman finally realized Fisher was in real danger, not just in character. Everyone else assumed it was "brilliant acting".Viggo Mortensen – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy was extraordinarily complex, from the plot to the costumes. A considerable amount of money, energy, and effort went into the preparation, filming, and post-production. The actors also had their share of burdensome moments, quite literally.Jason Statham – The Expendables 3
In 2013, during the filming of "The Expendables" in Varna, Bulgaria, Jason Statham accidentally drove straight into the Black Sea. During the rehearsal of a chase scene, Jason was driving a truck. The plan was for the vehicle to stop at the edge of the dock after a series of gunshots, but Jason sped past and started sinking along with the truck. Fortunately, the actor managed to escape.Michael J. Fox – Back to the Future Part III
Michael J. Fox, famous for his role as Marty McFly in "Back to the Future," nearly lost his life while filming the third installment of the series. For a hanging scene, Fox was meant to stand on a box with a noose around his neck, but director Robert Zemeckis decided to make the scene more realistic – by removing the box. Naturally, Michael was holding the rope with his fingers, but at some point it slipped out of his hands, and he really was hanging in the noose for several seconds.Jennifer Lawrence – The Hunger Games
"The Hunger Games," featuring teenagers killing each other, was horrifying: Jennifer Lawrence's character had to face hybrid wasps, killer monkeys, fires, and other psychological tortures. However, the actress herself nearly suffocated on set.Nonetheless, the role of Katniss skyrocketed the actress's career, previously known mostly for independent films, to unprecedented heights. It would seem she had no reason to complain. However, Jennifer has subsequently admitted that fame didn't serve her well:
I think I lost my sense of control. Between the release of 'The Hunger Games' and winning an 'Oscar' [in 2013], I became just a commodity. I felt like every decision was made for me. When I look back on those years now, I think about how I simply lost control.
Channing Tatum – Foxcatcher
The complex psychological drama "Foxcatcher" surprised many, particularly with the performances of Channing Tatum and comedian Steve Carell, for whom serious dramatic roles are not typical.Tatum played the role of wrestler Mark Schultz, who experiences a range of emotions, sometimes reaching his breaking point. For instance, in one scene, Tatum's character hits his head against a mirror, but the actor got so into the role that he broke through the protective film and severely injured his head with the shards.