Beyonce has shown her grown twins for the first time

Beyonce and her spouse Jay Z have opened the big joint tour On the Run II with 2,5 hour show in Cardiff, U.K. During the show they presented cute photos of their twins.

At the show, June 6, the pair dispelled all the rumors about their riff in the relationship. They demonstrated a real passion with hot dances and tender hugs and kisses. Jay Z’s cheating theme was exhausted after the first song «Holy grain» which is dedicated to Beyonce. In total 43 songs were performed.
Beyonce and Jay Z showed a real passion
Beyonce and Jay Z showed a real passion
One of the touching moments was a big screen with pictures from the wedding vow renewal ceremony of Beyonce and Jay Z dressed in white. Then there appeared photos with wife and husband separately with their twins Rumi and Sir. Some say, they are nor pair’s kids, but fans are sure that they are.
The photo from the ceremony
The photo from the ceremony
Are they kids of Beyonce and Jay Z?
Are they kids of Beyonce and Jay Z?