Is Eminem dating Nicki Minaj?

Fans of Eminem and Nicki Minaj are still making guesses about their possible affair, while artists are happy to warm these gossips up.

At first some follower asked Nicki in Instagram is she dating with Eminem. She answered «yes», and this sparked a wave of rumors.
Nicki Minaj and Eminem intrigue with their behavior
Nicki Minaj and Eminem intrigue with their behavior
Later, on May 27th at Boston show Eminem asked the audience: «Yo, Boston, how many people in here want me to date Nicki Minaj?». Almost every man seemed enthusiastic, and Eminem said: «Well, god dammit, me too».
Eminem asks about dating with Nicki Minaj
After than Nicki Minaj post this on her Twitter:

We think that artists’ flirt is no more than PR-stunt and effort to derail some hype. But they’d look so cute together, don’t they?