Reese Witherspoon sued after charity raffle

Actress Reese Witherspoon was extremely kind to teachers who continued to do their job during the coronavirus pandemic, so she decided to give a charity event to thank them.

The actress was going to give 250 dresses and discounts on the products of her brand "Draper James" to all participants. However, because the number of participants significantly exceeded the number of prizes, Reese resorted to the draw method and asked the participants to fill out participation forms to select 250 winners randomly.
Reese Witherspoon in Draper James's dress
Reese Witherspoon in Draper James's dress
Many of the participants did not read the contest rules very carefully and were extremely disappointed without receiving the promised gift. The three participants were so offended that they sued Witherspoon. According to them, the actress is deceiving the participants, while at the same time advertising the contest on TV and in social networks.
Even though representatives of the Draper James brand apologized to the losers and gave 30 percent discounts on products, the losing teachers were still dissatisfied - the cost of dresses even taking into account the discount does not allow teachers to buy.