Shot down by Justin Bieber photographer sued the singer

Two years ago, Bieber touched his car photographer, causing him to be injured, and now submits to the singer in court.

In the summer of 2017, leaving the service in the Church of California, canadian pop singer accidentally touched the body of his pickup truck one of the assembled reporters, photographer William Wilson. He received minor injuries and was taken to hospital with them.

Not even had time to leave the Parking lot Justin Bieber remained at the scene of the accident before the arrival of the police. Arrived at the scene, the staff did not see the actions of the singer of the crime, writing off what happened to the flash of cameras that blinded Bieber while driving. The speed of the car was low, which allowed the victim to avoid serious injuries.
Justin Bieber at the scene
Justin Bieber at the scene
Now the photographer filed a lawsuit against the singer, saying that as a result of his actions partially lost his ability to work. notes that this is not the first lawsuit against Justin Bieber. In February of the same 2017, the singer was charged with beating, and three years earlier he was arrested for drunk driving.