Prince Harry and Meghan Markle cancel meeting with William and Kate Middleton

The Dukes of Sussex will appear at the One Young World Summit, which will bring together leaders from 190 countries. The couple also plans to see relatives.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle intend to visit the UK again. They will attend the One Young World Summit, where leaders from 190 countries will be present. the star couple also plan to see their relatives.

However, as insiders note, not everyone will be honored with a visit. So, according to representatives of the Daily Mail, Harry and Meghan are not going to meet with Kate Middleton and Prince William.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Insiders minimize the likelihood of their meeting, unless, of course, it is planned in advance.
Apparently, the couple intends to avoid relatives as much as possible. Then the Dukes of Sussex will go to Germany, where the "Invictus Games" will be held.
Meghan Marklе
Meghan Marklе

  • Yes, we get along well, we often spend weekends together
    2022-08-16 16:32:16