The Genius of Extraordinariness
When the creator of the series, Tony McNamara, proposed Elle to review the script, she was greatly flattered: the producer had just finished working on the film "The Favourite", which gathered a plethora of cinema awards. "He had me in mind. I was incredibly fortunate! Tony is simply the best in all regards: the finest gentleman, the supreme writer, a genius of extraordinariness," the actress reminisces.
With each week of shooting, it became increasingly easier for the actress, who was "feeling Catherine more and more". Like her character, Fanning was learning to express her opinion before her colleagues and harness her strength. "She's a bit arrogant and egocentric, which I find quite endearing. And she offers no apologies for it," explains Elle.I've done this before. But the series has a very specific script and narrative rhythm. It's also a comedy, a genre I haven't ventured into extensively.
Elaborate Costumes
A standing ovation is warranted for the series' set designers and costume artists. Catherine's golden coronation dress was in the making for several months. It was imperative to reinterpret the Russian sarafan and give it a contemporary yet time-honored look. Artist Sharon Long sought inspiration in the "palatial" fashion shows of the 90s by designer Christian Lacroix and the Dolce & Gabbana brand.

Absurd Eroticism
The series is replete with erotic scenes, largely of an absurd nature. An "intimacy coordinator" was always present on set, ensuring everyone's comfort.Fortunately, Elle and Nicholas had been acquainted for some time, which helped them relax in the frame. Moreover, the colleagues had a lot of fun together. The viewer doesn't see it, but in one episode, Fanning can't suppress her laughter and buries her face in a pillow, while their bodies are filmed in close-up. The actress recalls:
For details about what's happening on Elle's personal front, refer to her biography on endeavored to amuse each other, to make the scene as compelling as possible. Sort of, «Let's grunt!». When we heard «Cut», we immediately burst into laughter.