Why the divorce from Brian Austin is long-awaited for Megan Fox?

Rumors about the divorce of Megan Fox and Brian Austin have been around for a long time. However, after Brian’s Instagram post, in which he compares Megan to a “butterfly that gets bored sitting on a flower for too long”, fans are finally convinced that their family history is drawing to a close.

Today we talk about three reasons why Megan Fox’s marriage has long since collapsed, and the upcoming divorce has become long-awaited for her.

Children are no longer a hindrance

Having married Brian Austin in 2010, Megan Fox tried to file for divorce after 5 years. At that time, she was already the mother of two common sons with Brian - Bodhi, and Noah. Only after unveiling the news of the divorce, the actress found out that she was pregnant for the third time. Expecting replenishment, the couple naturally did not begin to divorce. However, 5 years have passed since then - during this time Megan managed to give birth to her third son, Journey, but she found out for herself that she could not stay married to Austin only because of her children.

Spouse Outsider

For more than ten years, Megan Fox has been and remains a sought-after Hollywood actress. During this time, she received the status of a sex symbol in American cinema. Megan's husband, Brian, also enjoyed success with directors in the early 2000s, but over the past 15 years, he has been offered only small roles. So the dead end of her husband’s career could well push away the beautiful wife Megan Fox, and the success of his wife in Hollywood could nurture envy in Brian, which became the basis for conflict.
The actor was remembered by the audience for his role in the series «Beverly Hills 90210»
The actor was remembered by the audience for his role in the series «Beverly Hills 90210»

New interests

Despite rumors of a divorce that has been circulating spouses for a long time, fans were quite surprised that Megan Fox was isolated separately from her spouse during the coronavirus pandemic. Also, Megan began to appear quite often in society with rapper Machine Gun Kelly. In May 2020, they were seen together for a walk - the actress was sitting in the front passenger seat of the rapper's car. That is why many of her fans concluded that Megan is already in a new relationship, even if they are still only at the development stage.
Actress spotted in rapper Machine Gan Kelly's car
Actress spotted in rapper Machine Gan Kelly's car
One way or another, there are indeed significant prerequisites for the Fox and Austin divorce. However, а post published on Brian’s Instagram could be just a cry from the soul of a husband who does not want to lose his beloved wife.