Natalia Poklonskaya is Outraged by the Comparison of Lenin With Christian Saints

The Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya, who stopped her attacks on the movie «Matilda», decided to comment on the recent statements of the President of the Russian Federation.

We should note that yesterday Vladimir Putin has compared communism with Christianity, and the body of Vladimir Lenin in the Mausoleum with the relics of Christian saints. Poklonskaya said that it is incorrect to say so, as Lenin’s decrees caused «millions of tortured people». It is impossible to compare him with the saints. However, Poklonskaya believes that Putin's words were simply misinterpreted, and in fact, he talked about «trying to create a false religion». Poklonskaya further quoted the words of Patriarch Tikhon, which in 1918 called the Communists mad.
Natalia Poklonskaya is outraged by the words of «Holy» Lenin
Natalia Poklonskaya is outraged by the words of «Holy» Lenin
Natalia Poklonskaya, due to her appearance became known on the Internet, got the status of Deputy of the State Duma in October 2016. In this status, she was noticed thanks to her statements about Nicholas II and her attacks on the film by Alexei Uchitel «Matilda», dedicated to the personal life of the last Russian Emperor. Before the work in the state Duma, Poklonskaya was a Prosecutor of the Crimea, and previously she worked in the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. That means, that Russia got this extraordinary policy with the annexation of the Crimean Republic.