From Ducklings to Swans: 11 Hollywood Stars Once Deemed Unattractive in Childhood

Unquestionably, we each undergo an "ugly duckling" phase in our childhood. Some swiftly transition through it, while others bear this ignominious imprint throughout their adolescence. Knowing how ruthless children can be, it's no surprise that many, despite transforming into gorgeous swans, still harbor insecurity about their looks. A pity indeed. Take a glimpse at how these 11 stars appeared in their childhood – a considerable number of them endured mockery, yet this did not hinder their eventual success.

Megan Fox

Now, it's hard to fathom, but during her childhood, Megan Fox was considered the ugly duckling. She was despised and bullied by her classmates. However, as she advanced to higher grades, she metamorphosed into a sultry spitfire, never hesitating to give a piece of her mind.
Megan Fox
Megan Fox

Taylor Swift

In her childhood, Taylor Swift was not one to boast about her attractiveness either. However, her musical talent was boundless. Today, Taylor is a global country-pop star, and it's unthinkable for even the most entrenched hater to label her as unattractive.
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Kelly Osbourne

For Kelly Osbourne, her school years were nothing short of a nightmare. Everyone anticipated a plethora of surprises from the heiress of the mighty and fearsome Ozzy Osbourne, but she, a chubby and shy girl in glasses, did not stand out among her peers and meekly endured her classmates' humiliations. However, after her 15th birthday, Kelly embarked on a wild ride, experimenting with alcohol, drastically changing her appearance, and gaining a significant amount of weight. Eventually, she got a grip on herself and is no longer reminiscent of the scandalous maiden we remember from "The Osbournes" reality, but she has nonetheless maintained her vibrant individuality.
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne

Matthew Lewis

Actor Matthew Lewis attained fame courtesy of the Harry Potter film series, where he played the bumbling Neville Longbottom. On the set, he was made to wear padding to visually add extra weight, but even without it, he could hardly claim to be attractive. However, by the final installment of Harry Potter, Matthew had metamorphosed. After spending a few thousand dollars at the dentist's office and trading his quintessentially British smile for a Hollywood one, his name began to appear on the list of most coveted bachelors (albeit not for long – he became engaged in 2016).
Matthew Lewis
Matthew Lewis

Margot Robbie

Australian Margot Robbie quickly outgrew her "ugly duckling" phase, complete with braces, disproportionate body shape, and glasses (which are missing from the photo on the left), but to this day, she doesn't regard herself as beautiful. Yet she is mistaken. Every her role attests to this.
Margot Robbie
Margot Robbie

Kate Moss

The supermodel, who was destined to become a fashion icon of the 90s, set a trend for near-anorexic thinness, and win the hearts of Johnny Depp , Courtney Love, and Jack Nicholson , was far from a beauty ideal in her childhood: she had untamed hair, a gap-toothed smile, and wide-set eyes. But by the age of 20, Kate Moss had earned her first million.
Kate Moss
Kate Moss


Eminem 's childhood was anything but enviable: his father ran away as soon as he was born, his 16-year-old single mother soon started drinking, then went mad. Neighborhood kids, mostly from black families, bullied the white boy for his love of hip-hop, which was considered exclusively black music at the time. But talent and determination can move mountains, and today Eminem is the world's most popular white rapper.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham 's journey from a self-loathing, outcast girl who was pelted with clumps of dirt by her classmates, to one of the most influential women in the fashion world, was marked by several plastic surgeries. She is still self-conscious about her smile, but is otherwise quite content with herself.
Victoria Beckham
Victoria Beckham

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson , the daughter of Goldie Hawn and stepdaughter of Kurt Russell , was surrounded by care and attention from an early age. Thus, despite her less-than-striking appearance, she grew up without any complexes. Making her film debut at the age of seven, she has confidently pursued her goal of becoming an actress ever since.
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson

Demi Moore

Demi Moore was born with congenital strabismus, so as a child, she wore corrective glasses with thick lenses that greatly distorted her face. After undergoing two surgeries, she joyfully bid farewell to this unsightly accessory forever and persuaded her parents to stop cutting her hair short like a boy's.
Demi Moore
Demi Moore

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet recalls that in her childhood, being a chubby girl, she constantly faced taunts from classmates. They nicknamed her "Blubber" and constantly ridiculed her dreams of an acting future.
Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet
As you can see, to transform from a wallflower into a stunning woman, sometimes all it takes is a change of hairstyle, the right makeup, and clothing. The main enemy of beauty is not so much "unusual" facial features, but a lack of self-confidence. It takes time and practice to gain it, and while you're at it, you can read about how to cleverly hide low self-esteem when interacting with others.