Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner: why do ideal couples break up?

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their breakup just a day after their 10th wedding anniversary. So in 2015, one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood broke up.

They met in 2001 on the set of Pearl Harbor. But the spark ran later - two years later, on the set of "Daredevil". Only Ben was then engaged to the beautiful Jennifer Lopez. The planned wedding never took place - at the last moment, Ben gave aback.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
Sad after parting, Ben came to the aid of Garner, with whom he was always comfortable and cheerful. “Getting to know her and falling in love gave me strength,” Affleck recalls. In 2005 they got married, and soon three babies were born in their family - Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel. Hollywood was jubilant: it's the perfect match! They fondly confessed their love to each other in interviews, kissed during walks, and held hands tightly on the red carpet. You can find out what the first wives of other Hollywood handsome men look like from the photo selection from
It was all too good, and as usual Ben decided to screw it up. While Jen was on the set, the actor decided to have fun with their children's nanny. The affair was the last straw in a relationship, over which, as it turned out, clouds had long hung.
Everything was aggravated by the fact that Affleck got drunk every day to unconsciousness. According to the actor, this is how he struggled with his eternal depression and childhood traumas, but it was this “struggle” that nevertheless destroyed his marriage. Jen tried to save her husband and twice sent him to a rehabilitation center, but could not hold out for a long time. And it's hard to blame her.
“When his sun shines on you, you feel warm. But when it shines elsewhere, it gets very cold. I was often in the shadows with him , Jennifer told reporters.
More than five years have passed since their separation. Ben recently revealed that he regrets the divorce. And even though he is very happy in a relationship with Cuban actress Ana de Armas, Jen remains his closest person and best friend.