In Ivanovo, the young actor nearly killed himself during Shakespearian readings

An amateur performance in Ivanovo turned out to be a real tragedy. A 16-year-old student was seriously injured while playing Othello.

The incident occurred at the Shakespearian Readings at the Ivanovo State University.

On April 23, excerpts from the immortal works by the English playwright were presented to the public. A tenth-grader who played Othello was given a real dagger instead of a fake one. As a result, the young man stuck the blade into his own side. After that, he was hospitalized urgently.
In Ivanovo, the student who played Othello almost killed himself on the stage
In Ivanovo, the student who played Othello almost killed himself on the stage
The Investigation Committee started to study the case. It turned out that the real knife, together with the sham, was brought to the stage by the boy's teacher. A criminal case was initiated against the teacher.