Meghan Markle about the ban on abortion in the United States

She does not consider the decision of the Supreme Court correct. Prince Harry supported his wife in this matter.

Recently, the US Supreme Court overturned the historic 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling protecting the right to abortion in the country. โ€œThe Constitution does not give the right to abortion. Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey are set aside and the power to regulate abortion returned to the people and their elected representatives.

In an interview with activist Gloria Steinem and journalist Jessica Yellin, Meghan Markle spoke about her attitude to the current situation. The Duchess of Sussex noted that her husband fully supports her in this matter. My husband reacted with anger to the decision of the Supreme Court. Men need to be vocal at this point because these are decisions that affect relationships, families and communities in general. They may target women, but the consequences affect us all, โ€” she said.
Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle
It's about the physical safety of women. It is also about economic justice, individual autonomy and who we are as a society. No one should be forced to make a decision that they do not want to make, or that puts their own life at risk, โ€” said the Duchess.

  • No, I'm totally against it. I agree with Megan - a woman should have a choice
    2022-07-18 16:20:45