Capricorn Man Zodiac Sign Compatibility

This material is for entertainment purposes only
Date Range:
23 December - 20 January
Ambition, discipline, responsibility, pragmatism
Best compatibility:
Scorpio , Taurus
Worst compatibility:
Aries , Leo
A pragmatic and disciplined Capricorn man rarely shows his emotions. Guided by strict Saturn, he carefully chooses his partner. Such a man doesn't go for casual flings; he seeks a lifelong partner.

According to astrologers, a Capricorn man approaches his personal life with the same diligence as other aspects of his life. His happiness often relies not only on deep feelings but also on rational calculation. He's not a fan of fleeting relationships. His love grows slowly, but it becomes strong and steadfast.

Usually, the Capricorn man becomes the head of the family. He takes responsibility for his household's well-being. A woman married to a Capricorn doesn't have to solve many problems herself: from her perspective, many issues seem to resolve on their own, thanks to her practical husband.

Pros and Cons of a Capricorn Man in Love

A Capricorn man's strengths in love include his:
  • reliability
  • solidity
  • immense patience
  • emotional control
  • attention to detail
  • hard work
  • loyalty
  • devotion
His weaknesses are:
  • mistrust
  • emotional coldness
  • reserve
  • conservatism
  • aloofness
  • criticism
  • rejection of others' opinions
  • pessimism
  • stubbornness

What Kind of Women Attract a Capricorn Man

He likes intelligent and educated women, while physical beauty doesn't play a decisive role for him. Capricorn values grooming and the ability to present oneself well over facial harmony or figure elegance.

Excessive openness in appearance will likely push him away. Vulgarity and blatant flirting—even if directed at him—make Capricorn think the girl is, unfortunately, careless and inconsistent. He seeks completely different qualities in his partner.

He prefers someone whose life principles align with his own. If such a woman makes the first move, he will quietly thank the heavens and take the chance to get closer. He is not very good at taking the first step himself.
He will give a big plus to a girl who understands his specific, often dark humor. However, overly cheerful flirts seem fake and unreliable to him.
Before giving the green light to a relationship, Capricorn needs to ensure his partner is balanced and not prone to tantrums, which he cannot stand.

Capricorn is quite conservative, so while household skills are not his top priority, they are still important. The ability to create a cozy home and delight him with a delicious dinner is a definite advantage in his eyes.

Of course, a Capricorn's woman should not be a downtrodden housewife. He is interested in a confident woman who wants to succeed in her profession and has interesting hobbies.

He is unlikely to be attracted to a completely helpless girl who cannot handle even minor serious problems. However, he also won't approach a fully independent woman used to being "both for herself and for that guy." In this sense, a woman should remain a woman, allowing Capricorn to show his best masculine qualities—protecting and helping.
Actor Kit Harington According to the Capricorn Horoscope
Actor Kit Harington According to the Capricorn Horoscope

How to Know if a Capricorn Man is in Love

A Capricorn in love takes a long time, a very long time to reveal his feelings. As mentioned above, he’s not very good at building bridges. Not knowing how to behave with a girl he likes, he might do something foolish. He won't shout about his happiness to the world because he feels shy at that moment. Moreover, he fears that the girl who captured his heart might reject him.

It's not uncommon for the emerging feeling to scare him. There could be many reasons for this: he might think he’s not worthy of this woman, or she might be unavailable, and Capricorn’s misanthropy shouldn't be overlooked either. Trying to disguise his feelings, he may act cold or even hostile. So, if a Capricorn suddenly changes his attitude toward a woman he got along well with recently, it can be a clear sign of his affection.

In other circumstances, a Capricorn in love might frequently "accidentally" run into the girl, look her straight in the eyes, and listen attentively to what she says. Getting close to his love interest often happens through heartfelt conversations. Until then, the man waits and observes.
Actor Burak Özçivit – Capricorn Man
Actor Burak Özçivit – Capricorn Man
He might call the woman who charmed him on the phone without any specific reason. After hanging up, the girl will wonder: what was that about? When meeting her, the man tries to joke more and shows interest in her life. All of this indicates his desire to impress the girl, as does his attentive approach to his appearance. Suddenly, the usually unpretentious Capricorn has expensive perfume and new clothes for going out. Also, a Capricorn in love might start going to the gym and keeping fit.

The most obvious sign of a Capricorn’s affection is his willingness to introduce his chosen one to his family. If he suddenly invites her to a family dinner "for no reason," it indicates serious intentions. For this earth sign, family approval of his choice is almost crucial.

Capricorn: Famous People

How a Capricorn Man Cares

A Capricorn man becomes romantic and showers his girlfriend with gifts. At this stage, he wants to possess her completely, not letting her out of his sight and feeling very jealous of her interactions with other men.

During the courting period, he often calls his beloved for no particular reason - for example, just to wish her sweet dreams before nightfall, even though he usually hates phone calls, especially meaningless ones.

He pays attention to her needs and never misses an opportunity to do her a favor, showing his importance in her life. He often invites her on dates and doesn't hesitate to compliment her. He might even write her a handwritten letter confessing his feelings.
Jim Carrey – A Typical Capricorn Man
Jim Carrey – A Typical Capricorn Man

Capricorn Man in Sex

Capricorn places physical interest in a woman second; emotional closeness comes first in his worldview. He prioritizes mutual support, loyalty, and care in relationships. The bedroom is just an extension of all this. Behind closed doors, he seeks rest, trust, and affection.

Capricorn behaves confidently during the act, sometimes a bit selfishly. He enjoys receiving praise from his partner about his abilities. If she criticizes him, he won't stay in bed with her for long and will likely switch to a more appreciative woman.

If he's truly in love, he acts diligently and passionately. Otherwise, his lover may find the physical pleasures "mechanical."

In intimate relationships, Capricorn values comfort, soft lighting, and good bed linen. Generally, he prefers traditional methods in love but occasionally allows himself to experiment, informing his partner beforehand.

Capricorn Man in Relationships

A Capricorn's relationship with his partner is built not only on mutual attraction and simple human interest in each other. For Capricorn, respect, responsibility, and consistency are of fundamental importance.

The romance that characterizes this man at the beginning of the relationship may fade over time, but his desire to protect his beloved from all kinds of problems and dangers will remain. Capricorn doesn't talk much about his feelings but shows their depth through daily actions.

He is also quite demanding of his partner, just as he is of himself. He tends to limit her freedom because of jealousy. These behaviors often cause misunderstandings in their relationship.

Life together with this man can quickly lead to marriage. If Capricorn sees that his partner meets his expectations, he won't delay the decision to marry.
Actor Orlando Bloom – a bright representative of the Capricorn sign
Actor Orlando Bloom – a bright representative of the Capricorn sign

Capricorn Man in Marriage

Capricorns usually start a family at a mature age. Until then, a man may go through potential candidates for the role of wife, looking for an extraordinary woman who meets his high standards.

She must be not only an excellent homemaker and mother to his children but also a reliable partner with whom he can advance towards success. Indeed, few women possess the talent of inspiring their partner to climb the career ladder, grow spiritually, and acquire new valuable habits.

Once he finds such a woman, Capricorn tries to bind her to him as tightly as possible. Not just with a marriage certificate, but with his attitude. He is a caring husband and father who constantly ensures his family's safety. With him, a woman feels confident and secure about the future.

Capricorn works hard for his family's high standard of living, though this often means spending less time with his wife and children. This creates an emotional deficit in the family and risks psychological imbalances in relationships, possibly even leading to a nervous breakdown. So, it's crucial for the wife of a workaholic Capricorn to not only support him in all endeavors but also persuade him to take breaks and rest.

He is not inclined to infidelity, but it's not impossible. If he does cheat, it will be a calculated decision, not an impulse. This may be why he doesn't feel guilty afterward and doesn't see it as a reason to separate from his wife. However, the fact of infidelity indicates that not everything is well in the family. Yet, for this zodiac sign, divorce is a last resort.
Actor Ralph Fiennes – A Capricorn Man
Actor Ralph Fiennes – A Capricorn Man

Capricorn Man's Mistakes in Relationships

Capricorns typically don't complain about low earnings. However, no matter how much they make, they often come across as stingy. This leads to total control not only over their own expenses but also over the spending of their wives and children. Disagreements about the justification of expenses can lead to arguments in the couple.

Moreover, Capricorn men often tend to be overly critical. They consider their habit of nitpicking their partner to be a rational approach to situations. It's not surprising that women feel hurt when their significant other criticizes them over trivial matters, ignoring the significant things they constantly do for them.

Another negative trait of Capricorn men is their emotional closedness. The habit of keeping their feelings in check distances them from their loved ones. This gradually widens the gap between them, eventually killing the relationship.

Additionally, Capricorn men sometimes get so engrossed in their life goals that they completely immerse themselves in them. This also distances those born under this zodiac sign from their close ones and creates a ground for emotional instability. How long such a union will last is impossible to predict.

How to Break Up with a Capricorn Man

To break up with a Capricorn man, you can try the following steps:

  • Communicate openly: Capricorns value honesty and straightforwardness. Be direct and sincere so he does not misinterpret your perspective.
  • Consider all aspects: Capricorns are meticulous and analytical, so they want to discuss all details. Explain why you decided to break up and what specifically bothers you in the relationship.
  • Capricorns appreciate politeness, so maintain a respectful tone during the conversation.
  • Be ready for compromise.

How a Capricorn Man Behaves During a Divorce

During a breakup, Capricorn men can act in various ways. Some of them explode, letting out all the resentment they've bottled up over the years. Most often, Capricorn blames his ex for the breakup, believing he tried hard to keep the family together!

Another way they might act is by completely withdrawing into themselves. In that case, the ex-wife might never know the real reason for his departure. Over time, she will have even less chance of finding out. Capricorn meets with former lovers only in extreme cases and is not inclined to maintain friendly relations.

If the woman initiated the divorce, it is doubly hard for the man to contact her. Most likely, he will disappear from her life forever unless they have children together.

One thing a divorced Capricorn pays close attention to is the financial support of his children. He will pay alimony but may monitor whether the money is spent as intended.
Director Steven Soderbergh is a Capricorn
Director Steven Soderbergh is a Capricorn

How to Win Back a Capricorn Man

When trying to win back a Capricorn man, a woman should remember that the relationship with him is built on a rational foundation, not on emotions. Appealing to his feelings is not advisable; it's better to appeal to his logic and reason.

Before doing this, however, she needs to analyze her mistakes in the relationship and understand how to fix them. She must realize that in trying to get her partner back, she won't just be restoring the old connection but essentially building a new one.

She needs to make him fall in love with her all over again. Therefore, a makeover could be quite beneficial here. After all, Capricorn is a man and loves with his eyes.

Capricorn needs to see a self-sufficient woman who attracts everyone's attention. This will be the first success for a woman aiming to win him back.

She should not show her jealousy, keep an eye on him, or worse, stalk him. This could negate all her efforts.

Capricorn Man: Compatibility with Other Signs

Aries 68 %
Taurus 88 %
Gemini 79 %
Cancer 80 %
Leo 64 %
Virgo 88 %
Libra 81 %
Scorpio 91 %
Sagittarius 80 %
Capricorn 82 %
Aquarius 81 %
Pisces 73 %