Capricorn Woman and Capricorn Man Zodiac Sign Compatibility - 82%

Compatibility Type:
Idyll and harmony
Saturn - Saturn
Earth - Earth
Capricorn men are thoughtful, rational, and successful in love and career, but often hindered by impulsiveness and stubbornness. They are persistent and dedicated, willing to achieve their goals at any cost.

Capricorn women are charming and independent. They excel in any field and strive to be the best, which they often achieve.

Love Compatibility


Love Compatibility

Capricorns are intelligent, determined, and practical, with a well-developed intuition. Behind their cold and confident exterior lies a multitude of emotions that not everyone can see.

What to expect from a union of two Capricorns? Even Capricorns themselves don't know. They can surprise you. Emotionally, the relationship will be challenging, according to astrologers at, but they always look in the same direction. Except in rare cases, when Capricorn's stubbornness will show.
Capricorn man and Capricorn woman - compatibility in love
Capricorn man and Capricorn woman - compatibility in love

How a Capricorn Woman Can Win a Capricorn Man

"Yuck, how vulgar!" mutters the Capricorn guy, eyeing a heavily made-up beauty in leopard leggings. Why sway her hips and lick her lips like that? No, Capricorn will never fall for crude flirts. Saturn’s protege will be captivated by a charismatic yet elegant lady. Capricorn will fall for an emotional but balanced woman. Intelligence, good manners, outer and inner beauty—if a woman has these qualities, she has every chance to charm Capricorn. Does such a girl exist? Of course, and you don't have to look far—an ideal candidate is right nearby. And she's a Capricorn woman.
A pair of Capricorns is always style and luxury
A pair of Capricorns is always style and luxury
It's worth noting that initially, communication between these zodiac peers may not go smoothly—they are both naturally cautious and thoughtful, not eager to show their true selves, let alone their hearts. But once a spark of mutual affection ignites, the flame will grow rapidly.
Capricorns value intelligence, integrity, and principles – so a wise and thoughtful Capricorn woman has every chance.
To win a Capricorn man's affection, a Capricorn woman should forget about her demands and categorical nature. If the love is genuine, this won't be hard. She just needs to surround her chosen one with care and warmth, become softer, gentler, and more sincere, and rest assured—he won't resist for long.

How a Capricorn Man Can Win a Capricorn Woman

What does a Capricorn woman expect from a man? In short: fewer words, more action. She likes ambitious individuals with prospects, while lazy couch potatoes can take a hike. And no, Capricorn is not materialistic but practical. She can love someone without many achievements, money, or high status if she understands that he is willing to work hard to get all that.

A Capricorn woman values concrete actions, consistency, and loyalty. If you want to be erased from her life permanently, just make empty promises and do nothing. But if you avoid empty promises, always keep your word, and show that you are ready to appreciate and protect her—welcome.
The relationship of two Capricorns develops more successfully at a more mature age
The relationship of two Capricorns develops more successfully at a more mature age
First impressions matter to a Capricorn woman; she may seem cold and unapproachable, but she's really waiting for "the one" and dreams of a beautiful wedding and a cozy home. She has many worthy admirers but does not let them close easily. She needs to be surprised and won over, not with gifts, but with attention and genuine feelings.

Strengths of the Union

Two Capricorns have every chance to create a lifelong union if they see a reliable and strong partner in each other. Together, their relationship has many wonderful aspects:
  • Loyalty is the norm for Capricorns. Even when not in a relationship, they won't jump from one partner to another or agree to one-night stands. It goes against their principles and momentary desires.
  • Shared values. For Capricorns, common standards are mandatory. Preserving relationships for the sake of children, even when feelings have faded, is typical for them. These principles don't always benefit them, but they help maintain relationships.
  • Support in personal and career growth. Capricorns are always moving forward and respect those who strive to develop themselves. They despise the degradation of their loved ones as professionals and moral compromises. Two Capricorns always motivate each other and prevent depression and backtracking.
  • Financial stability in a Capricorn family is inevitable—they are both hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals. They spend their youth building a financial foundation, which they can use in later years for spiritual growth—traveling and visiting theaters.

Weaknesses of the Union

Capricorns have determination, confidence, and integrity, but some qualities can destroy even the strongest union:
  • High expectations of loved ones. Unrealistic expectations and intolerance of others' flaws, while Capricorn may not follow all the rules they set for others. Men value home comfort and order but may dedicate all their time to work. Women can be cold and unresponsive yet wonder why the Capricorn man isn't passionate or admiring her.
  • Struggle for dominance. Capricorn women are used to solving all problems independently and will try to dominate. Capricorn men won't be submissive; the partner will either realize this and submit, or the relationship will deteriorate. If the feelings are strong, both Capricorns will quickly understand that it's better to be friends since conflicts drain too much energy and sometimes resources.
  • Stubbornness and perseverance are good, but if they lead nowhere, and the goal isn't worth the effort, they need to know when to stop. Proper priorities and family values will be a stimulus when it's necessary to quit insisting on their position, stop pressuring their partner, and avoid manipulating them.
  • Low emotionality. At the beginning of the relationship, emotions run high—depression alternates with enthusiasm, and indifference with passion. Gradually, feelings stabilize, and the relationship between two Capricorns can become bland. It's important for someone to take the initiative, show attention and affection, and not close off during tough times.

What They Fear in Relationships

Capricorns don't like flattery but need admiration; they despise emotions but give themselves to them entirely. In a relationship between two Capricorns, there can be love or respect, but the fears are always the same:
  • Financial instability. A zero balance on the card, an overwhelming mortgage, no cash in the wallet—all this oppresses Capricorn. They fear being unable to provide for themselves and their family, and this fear drives them to work constantly.
  • Monotony. Capricorns love stability, but constant monotony in a pair of two Capricorns starts to weigh them down—they occasionally need some excitement.
  • Undermining authority. Calling a Capricorn man an unpleasant name in front of the children or showing contempt—this can lead to a prolonged conflict lasting several days, if not weeks.

What They Need to Work On

Capricorns are known for honesty, hard work, and patience, but they also possess qualities that can destroy love, especially between two Capricorns. They have some areas to work on:
  • Generosity is not typical for Capricorns, but their Capricorn partner loves luxury items and modern tech gadgets, so it's important that frugality doesn't turn into stinginess. They need to treat themselves and their partner with desired gifts.
  • Knowing when to stop—whether it's a bold business plan whose profitability is questionable or fiercely defending their position when the relationship is at risk.
  • Understanding others' weaknesses. It's tough to be perfect and constantly discipline oneself, but that's the Capricorn's choice; others are not obliged to live the same way.

Sexual Compatibility


Sexual Compatibility

In intimate life, a Capricorn woman tends to follow her partner's lead. She supports her partner's desires and reasonable experiments but rarely initiates new ideas. A Capricorn man is also cautious in love; if his partner inspires him, he will find ways to surprise her. However, without her initiative and provocations, intimacy can become routine, and his interest may fade.
Capricorns are careful in love
Capricorns are careful in love
Capricorns appreciate strength, which benefits a pair of two Capricorns. The woman enjoys her partner's dominance, while the Capricorn man loves playing the strong, slightly aggressive role. This excites and unites them both.

Young Capricorns are passionate in their intimate lives with their loved ones, but over time they shift their focus to work and invest all their energy in their careers. Nagging and demanding attention from a Capricorn partner is pointless—it will only make them more stubborn and withdrawn. Instead, inspire them, surprise them with spontaneity, and provoke them with tenderness—show your interest in a spiritual way rather than a physical one.

Marriage Compatibility


Marriage Compatibility

A marriage between two Capricorns is a union of kindred spirits with shared goals and ambitions. Both value stability and order, making their family life predictable and reliable. The main advantages of such a union are mutual understanding and shared values. Challenges may arise from stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. However, with humor and patience, they can easily resolve any issues and build strong relationships. Together, they create a stable and harmonious marriage where both they and their children feel secure and comfortable.

What Kind of Parents They Will Be

Capricorns are reserved in showing emotions and feelings. They express sudden affection and love for their children cautiously; the older they get, the harder it is for them to let their feelings show. They protect, teach, and provide for their child, setting high standards but putting in a lot of effort to help them succeed.

Capricorn mothers are strict and demanding. They spoil their children in their own way, not delving into their dreams and plans. Practicality is important to them—they won't buy an overpriced doll, considering their daughter's dreams frivolous. But if the child chooses a path like dancing, sports, or music, she will find the money for instruments, lessons, and competition trips, even if it means finding another job or additional income sources.
Capricorns are reserved in showing emotions and feelings
Capricorns are reserved in showing emotions and feelings
A Capricorn father needs to learn how to love his children. As a moralist and the head of the family, he gets upset when a three-year-old doesn't listen. The wife should build the father-child relationship early on, teaching him to see children as a way to relax and unwind rather than an extension of his workday. Capricorn's heart is easily melted with affection, so daughters have an easier time communicating with strict fathers. Of all aspects of parenting, he is most concerned with his children's physical health and development.

What Their Children Will Be Like

Capricorns have strong energy—even one Capricorn parent can dominate with their authority. Two Capricorn parents mean a whole set of rules. Capricorn children respond to constant pressure and upbringing in two ways. One type learns flexibility and builds their own backbone. They will always listen to their parents but will choose their path and strive to live independently as soon as possible.

In the second case, Capricorns manage to raise a proper, obedient citizen with high moral values. However, insecurity may hinder the development of abilities and ambitions. Capricorn children grow up knowing there's always someone stronger, which helps them be realistic but prevents them from achieving the nearly impossible and often leads to low self-esteem.

If two Capricorns have a Capricorn child, the family will be idyllic. However, if the child is born under Sagittarius or Aquarius, the parents will face difficulties, especially during the teenage years.

Is a Capricorn Woman Prone to Cheating

A Capricorn woman is sensual and demands constant attention. She may not show that she feels lonely in the relationship and lacks warmth from her always-busy Capricorn husband, but it negatively impacts the union. One of the drawbacks of a union between two Capricorns is the lack of emotional attention to each other.
Capricorn women are very loyal
Capricorn women are very loyal
Initially, Capricorns delight their partner with a whole spectrum of emotions and an active intimate life, but gradually career takes precedence. At this point, a Capricorn woman may become interested in a more carefree and inconsistent man who knows how to give tenderness and attention. If Capricorns cheat, they suffer greatly from their actions.

A Capricorn woman rarely cheats; as long as she loves, she remains faithful. Sometimes this loyalty might be unfounded, but for them, it's a tribute to past love and lingering feelings.

Is a Capricorn Man Prone to Cheating

Capricorn men are ambitious and smart. They seem decent and faithful, and any suspicion of infidelity outrages them. Often, Capricorns truly value family and remain faithful even if the relationship faces problems. Sometimes, their partner doesn't even suspect that the Capricorn man has a mistress or even a second family—their skill in masking true motives is that high. However, it's hard to fool a Capricorn woman for long due to her strong intuition.
In relationships between two stubborn zodiac signs, the cause often lies in the lack of positive emotions from each other. Both are too stable, and the man feels the need to find someone who can ignite a life worth forgetting work for and making impulsive decisions.

Why Do Capricorn Men and Women Argue

A Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman form a complicated combination that can lead to numerous conflicts. Typically, their disputes arise because both partners are too stubborn and neither wants to give in.

One of the main reasons for their arguments is their unwillingness to share power and control. Both partners want to be leaders in the relationship, leading to serious disagreements. However, if they learn to trust each other and delegate responsibilities, it can help prevent many arguments from escalating.

Another reason for their disputes is their shared tendency towards perfectionism. Both partners can be highly critical and demanding of each other, increasing tension in the relationship.

How Does a Capricorn Man Behave During a Breakup

Capricorns love drama, suffering, and grand words, even if they don't show it. One day he throws harsh words, and the next, he showers with affectionate terms. Each time they leave and break up "forever," but soon, they dive back into the old relationship with renewed vigor. They endure breakups hard but don't let their feelings show—they try to socialize more, immerse themselves in hobbies and interests.
The Capricorn man does not advertise his feelings when parting
The Capricorn man does not advertise his feelings when parting
Tears and declarations of love during a breakup repel them—they see it as weakness and savor their superiority. If a woman behaves with dignity and shows that the world doesn't revolve around the Capricorn, it makes him want to conquer and win back what he thought already belonged to him. Capricorn women know how to hide their feelings and avoid hysterics—this attracts Capricorn men and prevents them from breaking up completely after another split.

How Does a Capricorn Woman Behave During a Breakup

Capricorns show their pain only to close ones. Others see them as cheerful, full of energy, and flirting, unaware of the inner turmoil Capricorn women experience after a breakup.

If a Capricorn woman is in love, she might not acknowledge that she's been dumped for a long time. She remains faithful to the man and waits for his return without taking the initiative. This doesn't prevent her from dating and socializing with other men, but she will keep them at a distance.
If a Capricorn woman is in love, she might not acknowledge that she's been dumped for a long time. She remains faithful to the man and waits for his return without taking the initiative.
She rarely initiates a breakup—if there are no feelings, she simply won't start a relationship. If disappointed by the coldness and lack of attention from a Capricorn man, she will try to provoke him into breaking up. If the marriage isn't official and there are no children, she will simply stop communicating.

Compatibility in Friendship


Compatibility in Friendship

Capricorns know how to be friends. They value relationships and try to maintain them, even if someone moves to another city. It’s not easy for young male and female Capricorns to become friends – both are too categorical and avoid friendships with the opposite sex.
At a young age, Capricorns are unlikely to become friends
At a young age, Capricorns are unlikely to become friends
In adulthood, men and women can be great friends – they see each other as a source of support and assurance of help. Often, a friendship starts because one Capricorn helps the other. They are willing to assist a stranger in trouble and appreciate it when others help them.

Compatibility at Work


Work Compatibility

Two Capricorns get along better when their roles are clearly defined. On the same level, they try to prove their superiority, but when subordinate, they remain tactful in their criticism.

Capricorn Colleagues

Competition between two Capricorn colleagues is inevitable, but interaction between a man and a woman of this sign is softer – they understand and accept each other's sharp jokes, and appreciate patience and hard work. Often introverts, they prefer not to be bothered with questions during work.

Capricorn Bosses

Capricorn bosses are demanding of themselves and their partners. A male boss will be pleasantly surprised by the punctuality and rationality of a female partner of the same zodiac sign. Their categorical nature can hinder deal-making, but they solve issues better in private – third parties can distract and irritate Capricorns.

Capricorn Subordinate and Capricorn Boss

A female Capricorn boss is demanding, so a male Capricorn subordinate provides her with reassurance and confidence that the work will be done at any cost. A male Capricorn boss values women of his sign for their professionalism and responsibility.