Capricorn Woman - Zodiac Sign Characteristics

This material is for entertainment purposes only
Date Range:
23 December - 20 January
Ambition, restraint, purposefulness, responsibility
Beige, purple
Amber, onyx (talisman stones)
Camellia, carnation
Patience and hard work
Tenth House
Tarot Card:
The Devil
The Sun enters the tenth constellation of the Zodiac in winter. Depending on whether it's a leap year or a regular year, it stays there from December 22-23 to January 19-20. During harsh winters, life in nature comes to a standstill. The Sun appears briefly and doesn't provide warmth. Only those with strong spirits and healthy bodies can survive in such conditions. Capricorn women possess these qualities in abundance.

Capricorn's element is Earth. Women born under this mythological sign always stay grounded. They are rational, reliable, and dependable. At first glance, these qualities might seem more suited for men, but only at first. Capricorn women are the foundation of the family, its heart and mind. They are so wise that a man will never realize he is being led rather than leading.
Saturn is the planet that governs Capricorn women. It dictates unwritten rules of life under the motto 'Must'. Hence their iron discipline and willpower.
Capricorn women's preferences and attachments align with their character. They favor shades of brown, from beige to dark chocolate, and a palette of purple tones. Among stones, Capricorns intuitively choose warm amber and onyx, which energize them. Their lucky numbers are 3, 5, 7, 8, and 14, and their favorable day of the week is Saturday. Fortune smiles upon them on the 7th, 12th, and 17th of the month, making these days especially lucky.
Capricorn Woman – Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign
Capricorn Woman – Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign


Astrologers at claim that women born under the sign of Capricorn never conform to common stereotypes. Their main weapon is their inner strength and, of course, common sense. Tears, tantrums, and lamentations are for others. These ladies are not prone to introspection, they don't make fantastic plans, don't daydream. And yes, they never waste time trying to look better than they already do — they are perfect as they are.

From childhood, young Capricorns realize that a natural blush and the glow of healthy skin are far more attractive than tons of makeup. They always stand out among friends with "war paint," preferring natural beauty. Over the years, Capricorn ladies only become more beautiful and literally blossom, distinguishing themselves even more from their peers. At times, it's hard to recognize the simple rosy-cheeked girl from 18 years ago in a 40-year-old woman. And what 40 years? She barely looks 25!
Kate Middleton – Capricorn according to the horoscope
Kate Middleton – Capricorn according to the horoscope
A Capricorn woman is characterized by brevity and politeness. She is tactful and always aristocratically restrained, regardless of her status and upbringing. Whether she grew up in a large working-class family or was the only adored child of intellectual parents, she always behaves like a "princess of the blood."


Her character dictates a constant drive for success. On the way to it, a woman shows incredible persistence bordering on obstinacy. In school, she will be an excellent student, ace her university exams, and at work, she will become the boss's right hand and aim for his position.

Career growth is needed not so much for vanity as for the fulfillment of inexhaustible ideas and plans. They are clearly thought out, calculated, and felt. Her sharp intuition allows her to subconsciously weigh all the risks and benefits of a new project. To others, her decisions often seem reckless and ill-considered, but over time it turns out that they were well-balanced and far-sighted.

A Capricorn knows how to surprise and understands the right moment to do so. They know that showing their bright sides every day can make them lose their value — their perception will fade and become mundane. So they present themselves in doses: for example, they can wear sneakers and jeans for months, but when they put on a dress and heels, everyone around will be amazed and speechless.


A steel character can overcome life's blows, but they can still, if not break a Capricorn woman, then undermine her strength. She may start to feel sad and fall into deep melancholy. Pessimistic notes can appear in her assessment of prospects and her own capabilities.

Loved ones must support her during these moments. The best way is to convince her of her own uniqueness. However, this must be done very carefully, as a Capricorn woman will immediately sense false involvement. She takes criticism painfully, as a reproach to her imperfect nature.
Lara Fabian – Capricorn according to the horoscope
Lara Fabian – Capricorn according to the horoscope
If remarks are indeed valid, they should be presented with arguments and in a recommendatory form. Then a Capricorn woman will calmly analyze them and draw the right conclusions. They will benefit the common cause and strengthen her confidence in her abilities. She perceives raised, derogatory tones as a personal insult. She won't stoop to scandal, argue, or yell at her opponent, but she will cool off towards him, up to a complete break in relations.

Qualities to Develop

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn often faces the inability to "let go" of circumstances beyond her control. She moves towards her goal without sparing herself. While such perseverance deserves praise, it can harm her health. It is critically important for a Capricorn to learn to take care of herself, delegate some responsibilities to colleagues at work and family members at home.

Capricorn women are often characterized as control freaks. This trait, combined with their tendency towards workaholism, can lead to serious psychological problems. Capricorn women need to acknowledge that total control over everything and everyone is simply impossible. They must learn to relax and enjoy life.
Irina Shayk according to the Capricorn horoscope
Irina Shayk according to the Capricorn horoscope
Capricorns also need to work on their communication skills. They are very reserved and introverted, and many see these traits as arrogance. By developing the ability to communicate more openly, they can improve both their personal and professional lives.

Capricorn: Famous People

How to Win a Capricorn Woman

It can be both simple and complex. Sometimes she may show great favor to a suitor who appears quite ordinary at first glance, lacking in both looks and wealth. In such cases, her innate insight comes to the rescue, allowing her to see the potential in a seemingly awkward young man who might grow into a successful adult. If she notices a young man, he can consider himself lucky; his prospects look bright.
Trying to win a Capricorn woman's heart with romantic gestures like gifts, compliments, and grand actions will fail. She might welcome the attention and stay around for a while, but only the confidence that a genuine feeling lies behind the courtship will keep her interested.
Even if a man somehow convinces her of his worth, he should not rest on his laurels. Capricorns need actions to back up words. A Capricorn woman will not tolerate an immature, self-absorbed man who spends most of his time lounging on the couch. She will quickly recognize the futility of the relationship and end it instantly, leaving the suitor with no chance of redemption.

Her ability to distinguish the important from the trivial will work in a man's favor. If a Capricorn woman values his strengths, minor flaws won't be a problem. After all, everyone has them! However, it's crucial to differentiate between small imperfections and bad habits. Here, she will show her true character and issue an ultimatum. Choose wisely. Losing her is easy, but winning her back is nearly impossible.

How to Tell if a Capricorn Woman is in Love?

A Capricorn woman in love is a contradictory mix of modesty and an insatiable desire to experiment, introversion and unexpected revelations. She both pushes you away and invites you to look into her soul.

Understanding a Capricorn woman is difficult. She can date a man for several months or even a year and still not know if her feelings are real or just a warm-up for something bigger. Capricorn hesitates to confess love because the word is not empty for her. But if she says it, she means it very seriously.

What Kind of Man a Capricorn Woman Needs

A Capricorn woman will find happiness with a man who respects her independence and isn't afraid of her strong character. She won't mind if her partner isn't as tough and decisive; the main thing is that he inspires her to achieve new heights and supports her in all her endeavors.
She understands that she sometimes struggles to "let go" of situations and give herself a break. She desperately needs a man who will help her "change the scenery" from time to time and remind her that the world is vast and full of unknowns!

Additionally, a Capricorn woman will definitely notice a man with rational thinking and a well-developed intellect. She values intellectual conversation, so her partner must be knowledgeable (or at least passionate and willing to share his enthusiasm with her).

Love and Marriage

A Capricorn woman becomes the wife men dream of: calm, sensible, practical, and capable of making love beautifully and tastefully. For her, sex and love are inseparable, so she will never be an easy target for playboys. A faithful wife, she offers wise advice, endures the hardships of unsettled domestic life, proves to be an excellent homemaker, and an imaginative lover.

She doesn't see household chores as thankless work but approaches them with pleasure and meticulousness. Family celebrations in a Capricorn woman's home are always joyful, with tables laden with a variety of dishes and delicacies. She loves deeply and selflessly, without complaining about a hard life. She finds joy in making her home a full and reliable haven for her loved ones.
You can always ask her for advice. Her response will be constructive and thoughtful, not routine. She's not afraid to admit mistakes. You won't hear, 'How could you do this?' Instead, she might say, 'We need to think about how to solve this problem.'
However, despite all the patience and wisdom of a Capricorn, you shouldn't test them for too long. She won't throw tantrums or break dishes to release built-up negativity. A Capricorn woman will express her displeasure delicately, but you must listen to her words; otherwise, she will take action. Then, her partner's happy life could suddenly turn into loneliness. Learn more about the compatibility of a Capricorn woman.

Suitable Profession

Women born under the Capricorn sign can build a successful career. They consistently pursue their goals, strive for perfection, work hard, and have a healthy ambition. An experienced manager can confidently assign them to the most challenging tasks.

They won't let you down but will expect a fair evaluation of their efforts – career advancement and salary increases. They don't demand it but rely on their sense of justice, believing they will be rewarded accordingly. This usually happens.
Capricorn women become excellent bankers, government officials, doctors, scientists, and investigators.
Where natural talent falls short, they compensate by thoroughly studying the subject – it's never too late for them to learn. Actresses and musicians born under the Capricorn sign gain popularity because they realistically assess their talent from the start. You'll rarely find "unrecognized geniuses" among them.


Capricorn girls do not differ from their peers. They get sick with typical childhood illnesses. However, they are prone to food allergies, which can lead to dermatitis and skin rashes, and they easily catch rotavirus infections. The gastrointestinal tract is their weak spot, so parents should carefully choose foods for their daily diet.
Model Kate Moss is a Capricorn according to the horoscope
Model Kate Moss is a Capricorn according to the horoscope
Despite their natural balance, girls often get injured in childhood. Their immune system strengthens quickly. By school age, it may happen that only Capricorns stay healthy while the whole class is down with the flu. As adults, they impress with excellent health.

The only thing that can undermine their immune system is hard work without sleep and rest or a streak of bad luck. Then Capricorns, with their inherent persistence, start looking for a solution. They are plagued by heavy thoughts, causing insomnia and fatigue. They will cope, but it is important not to overuse their sense of responsibility and diligence.

How to Raise a Capricorn Girl

As an infant, the girl will surprise her family with her unusually calm demeanor. Her growing-up phase will also be painless—rash actions and innocent pranks are not common for little Capricorns. They explore the world very carefully and thoughtfully. She prefers to observe noisy children's games rather than participate in them. She enjoys quiet, creative activities, giving her parents enormous opportunities for early development—you can engage her with puzzles, embroidery, or drawing lessons.

You don't need to persuade or force her to draw, sculpt, or learn to read. She will gladly do whatever her mom suggests. But when her interest in the educational process wanes, insisting on its continuation is pointless. You can present hundreds of arguments and try to reason with the Capricorn girl, but she will remain unwavering.

Don't expect tantrums and tears, but guilt will quickly follow, especially when the child protests against coercion with an unflappable demeanor and an unusually serious attitude. Parents need to be ready to communicate with Capricorn children as equals—they won't tolerate any other approach.
You need to genuinely respect the little person, not just play the role of democratic parents, otherwise, the perceptive Capricorn will intuitively sense the insincerity.
Then, the already taciturn child may completely withdraw into herself. Gentle trust and tender care are what the girl constantly needs. Everything will pay off in a few years. Capricorn daughters know how to be grateful.