Archetype of the Devil Card
The symbolism of the Devil card is linked to concepts such as temptation, material attachment, addiction, and control. Its main archetype is human-made evil.
The Devil plays: he can tempt and test, offer challenges, but does not aim to cause harm itself and is certainly not its main cause – humans always commit evil.
Symbolism of the Devil Card
In the classic interpretation by Arthur Waite, the Devil tarot card is one of the most intriguing cards. It depicts the figure of Baphomet, the wisest of Hell's demons. The horns on his head and bat-like wings emphasize his devilish nature.The Devil's head is crowned with an inverted pentagram, a symbol of black magic. The demon's raised hand is a “parody” of a priest's blessing.
Two young people, a man and a woman, stand by the throne. They represent the dark side of Adam and Eve depicted on the Lovers card. They are naked, symbolizing corruption, animal attraction, and powerful sexual energy. They are bound in chains, symbolizing people's dependence on the material.
Upon closer inspection, you can see that the chains around their necks could easily be removed, indicating that the Devil does not actually hold power over people. The man and woman have horns and tails, highlighting their animal nature and attachment to base instincts.
The card also features fire, symbolizing passion and desire, as well as rage and destruction. This may point to the dark side of life, which can sometimes be alluring but often leads to loss of control and downfall.
Overall, the Devil card in Waite's deck symbolizes attachment to the material world and temptation, which can lead to destruction. It also points to our inner demons and weaknesses that control our lives if not kept in check.
The Key Meaning of the Devil Card
Outside of specific spreads, the key meaning of the Devil card can be interpreted in many ways.The card can symbolize external power, strength, and control exerted by society, culture, traditions, or a person's inner demons. These factors can make a person feel subordinate to someone else's will, feeling like a prisoner in their own life.

The Devil card can also suggest that a person is in a difficult situation where they need to make a decision that could change their life. The choice is between an easy path and a hard one. It’s easy to guess which path the Devil accompanies.
However, the Devil card can also have a positive meaning. It suggests that a person can become aware of their dark sides, learn to accept and control them, and become more independent, free from outside influence. Ultimately, the Devil can help a person free themselves from fears and doubts and take full control of their life.
Overall, the Devil card is very multi-faceted, and its interpretation depends on the context and meaning of the spread. Generally, the Devil card can be seen as a symbol of a challenge to act and to become more self-aware.
General Meaning of the Devil Card in the Upright Position
The Devil card is one of the most enigmatic tarot cards, but its meaning can be clarified based on the context and layout in which it appears.
- Attachment to the material world. The Devil card symbolizes our attachment to material things and pleasures. When this card appears in a spread, it may indicate that we spend too much time on material things and ignore the more spiritual aspects of life, which can lead to addiction.
- Temptation. The Devil card also points to temptation and seduction. It may mean that we face temptations that could force us to abandon our values and principles.
- Negative relationships. The Devil card can also indicate negative relationships with people in our lives. This could be related to envy, jealousy, control, or even cruelty.
- The need to fight dark sides. The card can serve as a reminder that we must combat our dark sides to achieve a healthier and happier life. It can help us realize which aspects of our lives need improvement and what measures we should take to overcome our weaknesses.
- Abuse of power – perhaps the strongest temptation.
- Instability of the current situation, which may eventually lead to disaster (not coincidentally, the next card in the deck is the Tower, symbolizing destruction or a major crisis).
- Deception: a person is under the influence of deception, illusions, or vices without realizing it.
General Meaning of the Devil Card in a Reversed Position
If the Devil card appears in a reversed position, it can mean the following:- Release: The Devil card in a reversed position may indicate the need to free yourself from attachment to material things and temptations. It can help us realize that we should not let material things control our lives.
- Awareness: The card can help you recognize which aspects of life need improvement and how to overcome current problems. It reminds you that to achieve true happiness, you must fight your weaknesses.
- Imminent Resolution: The card can point to the resolution of a problematic situation that hinders well-being in the near future.
- Energy Boost: One of the positive aspects of this card shows that a period filled with inspiration and sexuality lies ahead.

The Meaning of the Devil Card in Love in an Upright Position
The Devil card in love readings, according to, can be interpreted differently depending on the context and spread.- Passion and Sexual Attraction: The Devil card in the context of love may indicate strong passion between two people. It can mean that there is significant sexual attraction in the relationship, which can lead to an intense and emotional union.
- Loss of Control Over Feelings: One partner (or both) struggles to manage their desires and emotions.
- Problems in the Intimate Sphere: Anything can be expected, including violence or coercion into perversions.
- Dependence on the Relationship or Partner, Blurring of Personal Boundaries: This can mean that one partner is in a subordinate position and is too dependent on the other.
- Living in the Embrace of Illusions: One partner hides the dark side of their personality from the other.

The Meaning of the Devil Card in Love When Reversed
If the Devil card appears reversed in a love reading, it may signify the following:- Release from Dependency: The reversed Devil card may indicate the need to free oneself from dependency on a partner or relationship.
- Awareness: The reversed Devil card can help recognize mistakes and problems in relationships.
- Conflict Resolution: The reversed Devil card may point to the imminent resolution of conflicts and issues in relationships. However, these troubles are likely to return in the future.

The Devil as the Card of the Day
If The Devil card appears in the "Card of the Day" reading, it signifies a series of obstacles and challenges you will face in the near future.- Upright Position. If The Devil card appears upright, it can be seen as a sign of a dangerous endeavor. You're playing with fire, which could soon lead to unfortunate consequences. Additionally, this day might present a tough moral dilemma, forcing you to choose between your principles and your well-being. The card may also indicate a dead-end situation caused by greed, cowardice, or a lack of inner strength.
- Reversed Position. It's better not to hold yourself back and allow yourself to be genuine, without hiding behind masks or facades. Honesty and spontaneity are the best policies today.
What the Devil Card Warns About
- Warning of temptations and trials: The Devil card may warn of upcoming temptations or challenges. Stay vigilant; in this situation, everything depends on your choices.
- Advice on battling addictions: Your life needs discipline and control.
- Overcoming fears and doubts that hinder inner growth.
- Warning of danger: The Devil card may also directly warn of serious danger. It can help us stay alert and warn us of potential threats so we can take appropriate measures and avoid danger.