Enrique Iglesias showed a very cute video with a younger daughter

In February 2020 a singer Enrique Iglesias and a tennis star Anna Kurnikova became parents one more time. Nicholas and Lucy twins, who had celebrated 2nd birthday in November, 2019, became elder siblings.

Unlike Nicholas and Lucy, who’d got European names, the newborn got a true Slav name – Masha. Not Maria or Mary, but Masha. It’s a sign of respect to Kurnikova’s Russian origin.
Anna Kurnikova and Enrique Iglesias have three kids now
Anna Kurnikova and Enrique Iglesias have three kids now
Enrique Iglesias posted a very cure video in Instagram. Masha is sitting on father’s knees, while Enrique keeping her hands and waffing her from side to side – to the beat of the "We Are Young" song by "fun." band.
In the comments below the followers is being melted due to the baby’s cuteness. But some of users noted, that it is too early to put Masha on knees, because it is a too big burden for her backbone.
Nicholas and Lucy (left) and the newborn Masha (right)
Nicholas and Lucy (left) and the newborn Masha (right)