The series will focus on the adventures of a trio of heroes, who are investigating various paranormal incidents. At the same time, the company Stolen Picture, created in 2017, just recently completed filming their debut project, a comedic horror film entitled «Slaughterhouse Rulez». The lead character is played by the young actor Asa Butterfield. The action takes place in an elite British school with a rift leading to the underworld suddenly opened next to it. Of course, students and their mentors will have to fight the forces of evil. The Premier is scheduled for September 7.
The series will focus on the adventures of a trio of heroes, who are investigating various paranormal incidents. At the same time, the company Stolen Picture, created in 2017, just recently completed filming their debut project, a comedic horror film entitled «Slaughterhouse Rulez». The lead character is played by the young actor Asa Butterfield. The action takes place in an elite British school with a rift leading to the underworld suddenly opened next to it. Of course, students and their mentors will have to fight the forces of evil. The Premier is scheduled for September 7.