Poroshenko Enumerated the Key Reforms for Ukraine in 2018

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko spoke about the key reforms planned in the country for the current year.

According to Poroshenko, the authorities are preparing new legislation in financial, legal, and investment spheres, as well as in the land markets. The main thing at the moment is to keep the pace of change.

We remind, that reforms in Ukraine are carried out in order to bring the legislation and institutions to European standards. It should be noted that in this way the Ukrainians did not go smoothly at all. In particular, recently it became clear that the state has no ambassadors in 17 countries, including Russia (the position is vacant for 2015). A priority for Ukraine in 2018, according to Poroshenko, is «peace and development». Within investigation of the former President Viktor Yanukovych’s treason, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine demanded an examination that Vladimir Putin is real. Specifically, we are talking about the film «Crimea. The way Home». The experts will find out whether a man shot in the movie is really Vladimir Putin. They will also check the personality of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu, the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov starring in the picture. A number of Russian media picked up the theme, saying that Petro Poroshenko has been reading Victor Pelevin and started to question the surrounding reality.