In ancient epics, the image of Taurus is depicted in the myth of Zeus's son Dionysus. He is portrayed as a young man with a wild nature and a bull's head, crowned with ivy and grapes. He is often shown playing the lyre in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs.
Taurus's element is Earth. In astrology, the solid ground represents stability and reliability. Earth attributes qualities like endurance, practicality, diligence, and duty to Taurus men.

Ruling planet – Venus. As a representative of Venus, a Taurus man feels an attraction to beauty, comfort, and wealth. Thanks to this ruling planet, material benefits play a significant role in a Taurus's life.
Favorable colors: shades of green, yellow, and blue. Unfavorable color: red. Talisman stones: agate, quartz, alexandrite, jade, coral. Green-hued minerals bring "golden" luck to Taurus. Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 6, and all multiples of 6.
Astrologers at claim that a Taurus man can be described as kind, intelligent, and patient. He relies solely on his own strength, abilities, and resources to achieve his goals. Generally, such men don't allow themselves to show emotions, make sharp remarks, or comment on various situations, and are known for their angelic patience.But when a Taurus's iron will reaches its limit, it's best to hide or leave town, or you risk encountering a truly enraged bull. He will express his anger vividly and fiercely, though not for long. It's really not a sight for the faint-hearted.
Representatives of this sign are stubborn, but this trait can be viewed differently depending on the circumstances. When it comes to family well-being, which a Taurus man strives to achieve at all costs, it's undoubtedly a plus. However, if he blindly indulges in his bad habits and tries to justify his weaknesses, it's a definite minus.

To achieve mutual understanding with a Taurus, you need to find an individual approach. Knowing his virtues and flaws will help with this.
- Consistency. A Taurus man remains true to his principles in all areas: work, love, and friendship. Combined with natural diligence and hard work, this quality allows him to satisfy the highest ambitions.
- Creativity. Tauruses have a knack for various arts: painting, music, performing arts. If they deliberately develop their creative talents, they easily gain recognition in these fields.
- Realism. Representatives of this sign don't indulge in rosy illusions and fantasies: they live in the present, confidently building a bridge to a better future.
- Charisma. Taurus men possess the gift of attracting people. Their natural magnetism is based on their remarkable appearance and communicability.
- Ability to earn. Taurus is naturally passive, but if circumstances demand, he can make every effort to find a large sum of money.
- Willfulness. Stubbornness, in its negative aspect, can reach pathological proportions in Tauruses. When such a man is "locked in," he doesn't learn from others' mistakes or even his own, simply because he doesn't see them.
- Stinginess. A typical Taurus can't be called a complete miser. He is calculating and spends money wisely. In certain situations, thriftiness is useful, as long as it doesn't cross reasonable boundaries.
- Secretiveness. Secrecy in Taurus men manifests classically. Sometimes they don't realize why they hide their personal lives from loved ones but continue to do so instinctively.
Qualities to Develop
Astrologers recommend Taurus men work on curbing their main negative traits: excessive stubbornness and irritability. Overcoming astrological weaknesses is a tough task, but Taurus's trademark determination helps them overcome any difficulties.
Also, Tauruses may benefit from developing flexible thinking. Belief in the infallibility of their opinions often leads to missed opportunities and an inability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. The ability to see things from different perspectives and openness to new ideas will be a valuable addition to Taurus's set of personal qualities.
Taurus: Famous People
Show allWhat a Taurus Man Loves
Men of this sign prefer relaxed leisure over active pastimes. They will easily trade a noisy party for a cozy evening with their favorite couch. If Taurus men find a free moment, they are more likely to spend it listening to their favorite music or playing computer games. Breaking away from their comfort zone and inner peace is far from an ideal rest for them.
The perfect hobby for a Taurus is any form of creativity. They love to sing, dance, and often take an interest in painting. They are drawn to meditative Eastern practices (yoga, wushu, qigong), which help them relax and reduce stress. A full, healthy sleep is very important to them. Taurus men love to lounge in bed more often than others and see nothing wrong with it.
What a Taurus Man Dislikes
Men born under this sign are very particular about their surroundings, choosing them carefully and critically. They never allow gossipers, liars, or heavy drinkers into their circle. In the company of a straightforward Taurus, you won't find envious, shallow, or empty-headed people. He is intuitively drawn to individuals with broad horizons, their own viewpoints, and talents.A Taurus guy is a rare guest at parties. Loud crowds irritate him, so he reluctantly leaves his comfortable home chair to go to a nightclub or show.
Since Taurus men take great pride in their appearance, they are always impeccably dressed and cannot stand slobs. If you see a dandy with a stylish haircut and a trail of fashionable fragrance, rest assured — you are looking at a Taurus.Taurus men dislike scandals and family scenes, especially when voices are raised.
In a team, a Taurus man can't stand intrigues, evasions, gossip, and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. He dislikes cattiness and fickleness in women, putting such individuals on his blacklist.
How to Win Over a Taurus Man
Such a man likes serious and intelligent women. Temporary relationships, especially one-night stands, are not his thing. He avoids and even fears flirtatious women.
- Dress tastefully. Only those who dress stylishly and with taste can win a Taurus's heart.
- To make a great impression on a date with a Taurus, don’t smoke or drink alcohol. This will significantly increase your chances of attracting him.
- Engage in intellectual conversations. Save discussions about TV shows, romance novels, and relationships for your friends.
- Don’t rush things. If you exchange phone numbers, wait at least a week before calling first. Taurus men need time to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.
How to Tell if a Taurus Man is in Love
The initial signs of love in a Taurus are not obvious. When they realize a deep feeling is growing inside them, men of this sign often disappear from the radar. They need to be alone to think everything through and understand themselves. They may remind you of themselves, then disappear again... and this cycle can repeat for months. During this time, the object of Taurus's affection might get disappointed and lose interest. But Taurus is in no hurry. You could say this is how they test a girl's seriousness.When Taurus finally understands what he wants, he moves on to the courting stage. Don't expect a man of this sign to give exorbitantly expensive gifts and huge bouquets, but he might come over with a bottle of wine and cook his beloved's favorite dish, saying something like "Relax, I'll do everything myself." This gesture is typical of a Taurus and shows the seriousness of his intentions because he won't go out of his way to impress a fleeting interest.
What Kind of Woman Does a Taurus Man Need
A Taurus man values qualities like self-confidence, reliability, and the desire to build a stable and comfortable life. They appreciate a calm routine and cherish family relationships, which allows a Taurus man to feel secure and confident about the future.He seeks a woman who will support him in these goals and for whom family values and a sense of security are equally important. Overall, a Taurus man will be attracted to a charming woman with a balanced and understanding nature, as well as a good sense of humor.
Love and Family
At the beginning of a relationship, a Taurus man may seem apathetic and uninterested in a relationship. This is not true at all. The fact is, such men won't give themselves false hopes. To understand the true nature of their feelings, they need to nurture them, cultivate them, and only then show them. Of course, this happens only if the Taurus is sure of the right choice.If you ask a Taurus, "Does love at first sight exist?" he will most likely say no. This doesn't mean he doesn't believe in love; his feelings are just of a different kind. His passion doesn't appear suddenly but grows gradually, becoming stronger over time.

Taurus men struggle with breakups. Infidelity from a beloved woman can cause prolonged depression and disappointment in life. A Taurus marries for life. Divorces in such families are rare and mostly initiated by the wife. Learn more about the compatibility of a Taurus man.
Work and Career
Career advancement for a Taurus is a tool to achieve the necessary wealth. He will never put his career first. However, because these men have significant demands, they choose a job that matches them. It should be stable and profitable. Temporary gigs and side jobs are not his story.Taurus men achieve the highest career heights thanks to their unmatched persistence. In recent history, representatives of this sign have accumulated substantial wealth. The "Golden Calf" clearly favors its namesakes. Look through the Forbes and you'll see that the top positions are exclusively occupied by Taurus men.
Suitable Profession
Taurus individuals enjoy working with both their minds and hands. Careers related to agriculture, livestock farming, cooking, and the restaurant business suit this zodiac sign. Woodworking resonates with Taurus men, making them excellent carpenters.Thanks to their meticulousness and persistence, a Taurus man can succeed as a businessman. He has significant chances of attaining a high position in the fields of economics and stock market operations.

The stubbornness of a Taurus negatively affects their health. Typically, men don't like going to doctors or getting treated, and Taurus men tend to neglect illnesses more than other signs.Their weak spot is the throat and related respiratory diseases. They often visit an ENT specialist for chronic tonsillitis, sore throat, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Taurus individuals also have vulnerable legs and back, which should be protected from excessive strain.
A lack of physical activity in sport-averse Taurus can often lead to poor circulation and vascular problems. They are also prone to weight gain and gastrointestinal issues. Daily walks, outdoor work, running, and swimming can help prevent both.
How to Raise a Taurus Boy
Young Taurus boys are calm and thoughtful children, usually not causing trouble for parents and teachers. The most important thing for a Taurus boy is to grow up in a comfortable environment. Due to his heightened sensitivity, he needs protection from conflicts, family dramas, and other stressors.Indeed, at a young age, it is difficult for a Taurus to understand the roots of his stubborn character. A valuable piece of advice is not to try to "break" the little stubborn one, but to wait until he grows up a bit. Only through self-development and the sensitive attitude of his parents will he be able to overcome his astrological predisposition.The main question parents of such a boy ask is: 'How to deal with his stubbornness?'