Taurus Woman - Zodiac Sign Characteristics

Date Range:
21 April - 21 May
Sensuality, loyalty, aesthetics, domesticity
Emerald, yellow, light blue
Ruby, emerald, diamond (talisman stones)
Violet, rose
Staying true to oneself is the path to success
Second House
Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac circle. The Sun enters Taurus on April 21 and leaves on May 21. People born during this period are under the protection of the Earth element, which makes them grounded and endowed with qualities such as stability, practicality, reliability, and conservatism.

Venus has the main planetary influence on Taurus. Combined with the Earth element, this planet endows women with magical energy, sensitivity, and a practical approach to the material world. The second patron planet of Taurus is the Moon. Its influence makes women of this sign romantic, elegant, and capable of both receiving and giving aesthetic pleasure.
Taurus Woman – Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign
Taurus Woman – Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign
Taurus women can draw energy and strength from their talisman stones. Astrologers consider the ruby the main stone for those born between April 20 and April 30. It enhances the positive characteristics of the sign and helps achieve wholeness. For women born in the second decade – from May 1 to May 10 – the emerald is the most suitable. It helps attract people and strengthens marriage. The diamond is perfect for women celebrating their birthdays from May 11 to May 21. This stone endows Taurus women with courage, perseverance, and resilience.

Luck for women of this sign concentrates in:
  • numbers: 2, 4, 6 (and all divisible by 6);
  • days: Monday and Friday;
  • colors: emerald, lemon, bright blue, and all spring colors (except red).


Astrologers from zoomboola.com say that a Taurus woman is full of contradictions. She combines femininity and strength, assertiveness and gentleness, pragmatism and romanticism, stubbornness and tenderness. These women can turn their flaws into strengths with just a flick of their eyelashes and always strive to develop them.


Due to the double influence of the Moon and Venus, Taurus women possess their main strength—femininity, which includes wisdom, sensuality, and inner strength. By nature, these women are patient and always try to avoid conflicts. However, this does not stop them from becoming goddesses of war if danger threatens them or, God forbid, someone close.

Taurus women are known for their common sense, pragmatic intellect, and need for harmony in the world around them. They value objectivity, constructiveness, and reliability in people, as they consider these qualities essential and strive to develop them in themselves.

Taurus always keeps their word and, despite their love for comfort, would rather sacrifice something than break a promise.

Although Taurus is often accused of laziness, this is not true. She effortlessly maintains a cozy home and loves spending evenings in her nest—but one must see the difference between a lazy person and a hedonist who values comfort and dislikes rushing.


The main negative trait of Taurus women is indulging in their weaknesses and base desires. Each time they make the same mistakes, they regret it bitterly but always find at least five excuses not to admit their fault and, even more so, not to ask for forgiveness. They find this humiliating and unworthy of their royal nature.
Uma Thurman is a Taurus by horoscope
Uma Thurman is a Taurus by horoscope
Other negative traits include inertia, indecisiveness, unwillingness to accept new circumstances, and inability to adapt. Due to their stubborn nature, many see Taurus women as arrogant and proud. Their excessive bluntness only reinforces this negative perception.

What to Develop

Astrologers advise Taurus women to actively develop qualities related to finding a balance between "giving" and "receiving." They are known for their materialistic approach to life. They can be generous and selfless, but if they don't work on these traits, their tendency to hoard and even stinginess might prevail.
The incomparable Audrey Hepburn was born under the sign of Taurus
The incomparable Audrey Hepburn was born under the sign of Taurus
Another important area is loyalty and tolerance towards other people and their views. Although Taurus possesses many attractive qualities, they sometimes succumb to bouts of selfishness, thinking the world should revolve around them and everyone should live as they see fit. Working on these aspects of their character will help them become more flexible and considerate of others' interests and feelings.

Taurus: Famous People

What a Taurus Woman Loves

Women of this sign belong to the type of people who think that the grass is greener, the sun is brighter, and life is better on the other side. They get the greatest pleasure from knowing they've secured the best of everything, preferably before anyone else. Often, this desire becomes extreme, and Taurus women feel happy only when others are deeply unhappy.

However, this quality has a positive side. The drive to be ahead of everyone else stimulates them to develop their strengths, improve themselves, and achieve breathtaking victories. These ladies rarely back down, and upon reaching their goals, they revel in their uniqueness.
Another passion of all Taurus women is their love for coziness, order in the house, and harmony. Often, you can find women of this sign at culinary master classes, courses that boost feminine energy, or classes that organize life according to Feng Shui.
Taurus women are very home-oriented and know how to host and entertain guests. However, don't look for genuine selflessness in this—they have other motives. Usually, these women want to show off their home—a full cup, their amazing culinary skills, or their well-mannered children.

What Taurus Women Dislike

All Taurus women have a list, big or small, of things they not only dislike but outright hate. Generally, they all get annoyed by the same things:
  • People whose opinions differ from their own.
  • People intolerant of their life views.
  • Outside influence aiming to teach them how to do things.
  • Lack of taste and sense of proportion.
  • Boring and narrow-minded people.
  • Fussiness that creates chaos.
  • People who know and can defend their rights, if it conflict with the interests of Taurus.

How to Win Over a Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman is highly dependent on aesthetic and sensual pleasure, plus she is romantic. These traits make her "accessible" to men who understand female psychology. You can easily enchant a Taurus with a well-chosen atmosphere, music, a glass of expensive wine, and a breathtaking view.

Though Taurus women are great materialists, they appreciate the experiences given to them like no one else. Of course, don’t expect them to trade a diamond ring for a sunset view from a tent in an enchanting forest, but they will certainly boast about this unusual offer to their friends and allow the admirer to win their favor as a "special case."

How to Tell if a Taurus Woman is in Love?

A Taurus woman may hide her feelings from a man she likes for a long time. She starts new relationships only when the old ones have ended completely. Taurus women are very ethical: even light flirting with another man, if her current relationship is in a complicated status, seems like a betrayal to her. Therefore, she may act cold, reject attention, but sometimes a man might catch her fleeting, confused, and sad glance.
Actress Gal Gadot was born under the sign of Taurus
Actress Gal Gadot was born under the sign of Taurus
If there is no other man in her life, she behaves very differently. A Taurus woman in love will use any excuse for an "accidental" meeting with the object of her affection. Coincidentally, she will be wearing her most stylish outfit, and her hair will look as if a stylist worked on it since morning. Well, Taurus women definitely have something to show off; their appearance is undoubtedly their strong point.

A Taurus woman will try to touch the man she likes casually. Physical contact, feeling someone else's warmth, and the smell of a loved one are very important to her. So if a Taurus woman compliments a man by saying "You smell so nice!" – this should be taken not as a quirk but as a kind of confession of her feelings.

What Kind of Man a Taurus Woman Needs

A Taurus woman values confidence, consistency, and responsibility in a partner above all. She seeks a man who is self-assured and can bring positive stability to their relationship. She wants someone who supports her desires and dreams, is willing to compromise, and has enough patience to endure the "tests" she might put him through in the early stages of the relationship.
She will find joy in a relationship with an intellectual man interested in science, technology, or travel, as she is a very curious and passionate person herself.

Love and Marriage

In love, Taurus women are very conservative, and their views on relationships often border on old-fashioned. They do not accept half-measures or compromises in their feelings. If it's love, it must be passionate and all-encompassing, like Romeo and Juliet. Even if it is tragic, it is genuine, the kind that deserves the pen of a renowned writer or screenwriter.

Taurus women are very demanding in love, willing to burn out completely by giving themselves to the feeling wholly. However, if their imagined universe does not follow the ideal scenario, they may seek solace in wine, delicious and abundant food, or extramarital affairs.
Marriage with a Taurus woman is a permanent concept and not subject to divorce. As mentioned, women of this sign are very old-fashioned and only recognize a traditional family 'till death do us part.'
With an extraordinary talent for harmonizing family relationships, creating comfort, and keeping the home fires burning, they usually manage to maintain a marriage with one partner for life. The only thing Taurus women find hard to accept is infidelity. But considering the sign's tendency towards painful and often groundless jealousy, it can be quite imagined. Learn more about the compatibility of a Taurus woman.

Work and Career

An analytical mind, professional grip, ingenuity, creative approach, and high work capacity make Taureans ideal careerists, reliable employees, and desirable partners. However, this is only possible under one condition – a Taurus woman must see personal benefit in her work. Otherwise, it's hard to find someone lazier, more irresponsible, and indifferent to their duties.

Once Taurus women feel power and money, they magically transform into extremely tenacious and persistent individuals who won't let go of their own no matter what. They always strive to take leading positions and, it must be noted, enjoy holding managerial roles. The question is, do they justify their high position?
Megan Fox – Taurus by horoscope
Megan Fox – Taurus by horoscope
Taureans often ascend to the "throne" not for high achievements that come with great responsibility, hard work, and nerves, but for the throne and crown themselves. They don't see any other suitable position for themselves. And that's a pity! Taureans are very capable, and if they make their own way to the top, they manage to improve the business field they take on and justly earn the title of a great boss.

Suitable Profession

If Taurus women don't succeed as "queens," they take on any other job as long as it brings money and recognition. For this, they can tolerate a certain routine and repetition, which they call stability. This gives them the necessary ground under their feet.

Ideal fields for women of this sign include professions related to agriculture, animal husbandry, clothing or interior design, as well as creative professions that require musical, artistic, or literary talent.


Women born under the Taurus constellation naturally possess excellent health. However, due to their tendency towards various small weaknesses and excesses, reluctance to take care of themselves, and inability to preserve their health, they are more prone to annoying illnesses such as obesity, constipation, colds, and depression.
Penélope Cruz was born under the sign of Taurus
Penélope Cruz was born under the sign of Taurus
The weakest areas for Taurus women are considered to be their legs, blood, liver, thyroid, throat, brain, and nervous system. Preventing diseases of these organs and seeking timely medical care can help Taurus women stay in shape and maintain their naturally strong health. Astrologers and doctors agree that Taurus women should avoid drafts, keep their feet warm, and protect their nerve cells as if they were the apple of their eye.

How to Raise a Taurus Girl

All Taurus children are very gentle and sensitive, and girls can charm everyone with their flirting and coquetry from a young age. They love to dress up and admire the beauty of the world around them.
From early childhood, they have a well-developed sense of beauty and an interest in the arts - music, painting, acting, and writing. They will also enjoy learning these arts if parents and teachers forgive their slowness.
You cannot raise Taurus girls with a "stick." Only with a "carrot"! They have enough internal self-discipline and organization, so they don't need external control. Just identify their talents and guide them in a creative direction.