Slept naked, used vaseline as makeup, and bleached her hair: 8 beauty secrets of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe – a legend of cinema, a singer, and a sex symbol, whose beauty captivated the world. Many admired her appearance, dreaming of uncovering the secret of her allure. And, it turns out, her beauty rituals are still relevant today.

Marilyn Monroe was a true star, and her image was meticulously crafted. She didn't just follow fashion trends; she created her own style, which became a standard for many generations.

In this article, the editors of will reveal eight beauty secrets of Marilyn Monroe.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Sleep: The Foundation of Beauty

Monroe dedicated a lot of time to sleep. She believed sleep was the key to maintaining youth and beauty, often spending up to 10 hours a day in bed.

Perfect Blonde

Marilyn Monroe is famous for her platinum blonde hair. Monroe regularly bleached her hair. To keep the color longer, she invented her own dry shampoo – baby powder.
Marilyn Monroe and her famous platinum blonde
Marilyn Monroe and her famous platinum blonde

Ice Bath – The Secret to Firm Skin

Marilyn Monroe took ice baths to keep her skin firm. The actress could lie in cold water for several minutes.

Tanning – Not for Blondes

Marilyn didn't like to sunbathe. She said she didn't like a strong tan; she liked feeling like a blonde from head to toe. At the beach, she often hid under an umbrella.
Marilyn Monroe on the beach
Marilyn Monroe on the beach

Fighting Dry Skin

Marilyn Monroe had dry skin. To moisturize it, she used a nourishing cream and even olive oil, but you need to be careful with it because it can clog pores.

The Secret to Plump Lips

Marilyn Monroe created the illusion of fuller lips using several shades of red lipstick. She mixed dark, vibrant, and light shades to achieve the desired effect.
Marilyn Monroe mixed several shades of lipstick
Marilyn Monroe mixed several shades of lipstick

Radiant Skin

Marilyn Monroe understood the importance of highlighting facial contours to create a radiant effect. She applied vaseline under her foundation to add a glow to her skin.

The Scent of Chanel No. 5

Marilyn Monroe preferred to sleep without clothes. She believed that clothes made her uncomfortable while sleeping. Before going to bed, she would apply a few drops of Chanel No. 5 perfume to her skin.
Marilyn Monroe loved Chanel No. 5
Marilyn Monroe loved Chanel No. 5