Selena Gomez cried over Donald Trump`s plans for the mass deportation of illegal immigrants

Singer and actress Selena Gomez recorded a video where she cries because the newly elected President of the USA, Donald Trump, plans to carry out mass deportations of undocumented Mexicans from the country.

In a story that Selena posted on Instagram, the singer expressed her deep sympathy for people (calling them "her own"), especially children, and mentioned that she doesn't know how to help them all.

Later, Gomez deleted the video and wrote that apparently, showing sympathy for people is wrong. Many users seemed not to like her message in the video, so they criticized her. Nothing new, fans frequently criticize the star, who has nearly half a billion followers.
Selena Gomez
Singer, actress, producer, and entrepreneur Selena Gomez
And all this against the backdrop of nearly a thousand people being arrested nationwide over the weekend, according to “Dailymail,” more than ever before under Trump. Raids took place in several major cities, involving various federal agencies that were recently given more arrest powers.

Selena has been involved in this issue for a long time. She produced the documentary "Living Undocumented" about undocumented immigrants, and she herself is an American of Mexican descent.

The Gomez family emigrated to the States in the '70s, so she knows how difficult it all is. Back then, her aunt crossed the border hidden in a truck bed, followed by her grandmother and grandfather: "For the past four decades, members of my family have worked hard to obtain U.S. citizenship," the artist told “Time.” She says she thinks about it every day and understands how lucky she is to have been born in the U.S.
This is a human issue affecting real people, destroying real lives. How we handle it speaks to our humanity, our empathy, our compassion.
Selena Gomez
Recently, in 2024, she even starred in a film about the head of a Mexican cartel, "Emilia Perez," and spent six months learning Spanish for the role. Although she grew up in a Spanish-speaking family, she had forgotten the language a bit after moving to Los Angeles. In general, she is trying to "not forget her roots," as a certain song goes.

At, we understand that the issue of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. is one of the main topics on the country's agenda. While it's understandable that people want a better life, immigration laws cannot be broken. But separating families is a terrible thing. Selena is commendable for not staying silent and trying to help in some way.
Selena Gomez cries over Donald Trump's plans for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants
However, it is important to understand that when a public figure like Selena Gomez decides to have an open conversation about pain that many prefer to ignore, it is always a risk. A risk of judgment, misunderstanding, even hatred. But it seems these moments show how sincerely a person relates to the issue.

Her tears on social media are clearly not a performance to attract attention (especially when she has hundreds of millions of followers and a successful career). It's the reaction of someone who understands that behind the dry numbers of deportations are real families with stories similar to her own.

Of course, there will be those who say, "Actresses should entertain, not get involved in politics." But aren't immigrants' stories part of the "American dream" that Hollywood has romanticized for decades? Selena is essentially bringing films and social media back to reality, reminding us that behind every success like her career, there is someone's sacrifice.