The iconic Brazilian model revealed that the past few years have been incredibly tough for her and her family. Initially, they faced complete isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In October last year, Gisele divorced Tom Brady, then relocated to Florida with her kids and took care of her ailing parents.
"It all hit me at once in every area of my life. I feel like when it rains, it pours. With all the different turns that happen in life, all we can do is make the best of our situation," Bundchen said.

Earlier, Gisele confessed that at 20, she used to start her day with two cigarettes and a mocha frappuccino with whipped cream, ending it with a bottle of wine each evening to cope with severe panic attacks and depression. Now she has found other activities. "I meditate every day, exercise every day. I am so grateful to have this body. I realized my body is my temple, and I truly want to enjoy it," said the legendary quarterback's former love.If you want to ask of your body what I ask of my body, which is a lot, I can't be having all these things (alcohol, caffeine) because they add up. You have to be loving to yourself. You ask a lot of your body, you've got to do a reset. You have got to take care of this only vehicle you got, right?