Tom Ford is 58: how did a talented designer nearly win an Oscar?

In 1990, Tom Ford helped the outdated Gucci brand out of the financial hole and shook the fashion catwalks, and 10 years later, he made his directorial debut with the equally stylish film A Single Man. How did he manage to combine two such different professions?

Back in his youth, Ford was thinking about a career in cinema, but he was embarrassed to play on camera. Then Tom decided to realize himself in fashion. Ford's partner, journalist Richard Buckley, with whom they have lived together for almost 35 years, fully supported his decision to move from New York to the fashion capital Milan. Find out how other famous gay men and their husbands look from in photo selection on
After becoming a designer for Gucci, Ford quickly reshaped the old brand and announced it to the whole world with the help of shocking advertising. Once Tom secured his status as a style guru, he decided to fulfill his long-held dream and create a film. However, the sponsors felt that Ford had no chance, so Tom filmed The Lonely Man (2008) with his own money. The move to the cinema was a risky and dangerous leap, but the film about the lonely professor of literature became a critical favorite and was nominated for an Oscar.
Tom Ford and Richard Buckley
Tom Ford and Richard Buckley
Tom's second film "Under Cover of Night" (2016) again touched upon themes close to the designer's heart - death, soul-sucking materialism, and consumerism.
“Susan [the main character played by Amy Adams] is literally me. This is what happened to me 7-8 years ago, ”says Tom. “She is surrounded by expensive things, but she understands that this is not what really matters. She is fighting the world in which I live: the world of absurdly rich people and emptiness in our culture.
The richness of textures and colors, grotesque and chic came to Ford's films from his collections - the “picture” shown by Tom in his own works, critics admired no less. But the main thing is that the success of two of his films proved that the gap between the world of fashion and cinema is not so great. Find out how other famous gay men and their husbands look from the photo selection from editors of

  • All films are very long ... But it's nice to watch. Because the designer deals with the picture.
    2020-08-27 16:11:02