Russia decided to close sky for 36 countries in response to flight ban

Russia responded to the ban on flights over the EU, Canada and other countries with a mirror measure. So air carriers over Russia can’t be done without special permission.

The Federal Air Transport Agency responded to the ban on Russian flights. So all air carriers from 36 countries including EU, Canada and other countries need special permission to fly over Russia. The message appeared on the Federal Air Transport Agency website.
Russian and Ukrainian negotiations
Russian and Ukrainian negotiations
The restriction is the answer to the closure of airspace to Russian aircraft. Such a decision was made after the start of Russian operations in Ukraine on February 24.

«As a response to the ban of European states on the operation of flights of civil aircraft <...> a restriction was introduced on the operation of flights by air carriers of 36 states», — the report says.

The agency notes that the flights of carriers from these countries can now be operated only after obtaining special permission from the Federal Air Transport Agency or the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Russian and Ukrainian negotiation wants to point out that on the 28th of February Russian and Ukrainian delegations have a meeting on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border near the Pripyat River.