Pisces Woman - Zodiac Sign Characteristics

Date Range:
20 February - 20 March
Dreaminess, empathy, friendliness, adaptability
Blue, lilac, purple
Aquamarine, alexandrite, amethyst (talisman stones)
Forget-me-not, lotus
Inspire with sensitivity
Twelfth House
Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac. It includes people born between February 20 and March 20. They are governed by the element of Water and two planets Jupiter and Venus. Flexibility (the ability to sense and bypass obstacles), depth (a rich inner world), and changeability (mood swings) are the main traits of Pisces, inherited from Water. Under Jupiter’s influence, all Pisces become philosophers. Venus enhances these qualities and adds mysterious charm and intrigue.

Stones and talismans help Pisces diminish negative traits, enhance positive ones, avoid troubles, and attract good luck.
Pisces Woman - Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign
Pisces Woman - Detailed Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign
If a woman wears aquamarine, she gains beauty; alexandrite ensures health; amethyst provides determination; rock crystal brings wealth; and green diamond offers protection from evil forces. Pisces women also have other talismans:

  • numbers: 6, 7 (and all numbers divisible by 7), 11, and the magical "four" – 3, 7, 9, 12;
  • colors: blue, lilac, purple, aqua, and green.


Soft-hearted and easily led or unpredictable and enigmatic? It depends on how you look at it. Pisces are multi-layered. Just when you think you've finally understood them, they surprise you again.


Astrologers at zoomboola.com claim that a woman born under the sign of Pisces embodies true beauty, immortalized in poetry. She is that romantic girl with long lashes and a gentle gaze, the one for whom knights held tournaments and noblemen dueled.

She seems to have stepped out of a 19th-century novel, fragile, defenseless, and touching. Of course, this characteristic shouldn't be taken too literally—we live in a modern world. Yet, there is something romantically mysterious about these women that sets them apart from others. The true strength of Pisces women lies in their vulnerability and touching fragility!
Sharon Stone – Pisces by horoscope
Sharon Stone – Pisces by horoscope
However, if a savior fails to appear on the horizon, such a lady won't wait long. She will take matters into her own delicate hands. She can solve all problems herself, but as they say, brace yourself—the gentle Fish can turn into a real piranha, ready to bite off more than just a finger. This happens rarely though—dreamy Pisces women usually find someone to delegate the mundane tasks to, while they continue to build their castles in the air.


Pisces women always attract genuine interest, not only for their strengths. Their, to put it mildly, unattractive traits sometimes create a more interesting reputation than their virtues. They are great dreamers, conservatives, and stubborn.

Beneath the image of a "delicate lady" might hide authoritarianism, criticism, intolerance, and irresponsibility. But Pisces women know how to turn their flaws into a whole spectacle that people line up to see.
Cindy Crawford by Pisces zodiac sign
Cindy Crawford by Pisces zodiac sign
Another negative trait of Pisces is indecisiveness. They don't want to make decisions; they want to be cared for. Or to be carried on someone's shoulders, leaving others to solve their problems.

Qualities to Develop

Pisces women are sometimes too passive, accepting everything that happens to them as a given. They prefer to go with the flow, relying on fate, regardless of how challenging or unpleasant the consequences of inaction might be. However, Pisces have powerful potential. They can turn their lives into fascinating stories if they overcome their laziness.

If Pisces become a bit more active, learn to manage circumstances, and make bolder decisions, the Universe will gladly support their endeavors, providing everything they need.
Rihanna by horoscope Pisces
Rihanna by horoscope Pisces
Additionally, an important bonus will be the ability to openly express their needs since Pisces women tend to make vague hints that few understand.

Pisces: Famous People

What a Pisces Woman Loves

Pisces women are definitely made for love. These ladies love being the center of attention, drawing admiring glances, dazzling others, and impressing with their appearance or numerous talents, which they are willing to develop and multiply to hold leading positions in their environment. Naturally, their surroundings should match the elegant and refined Pisces women. Bohemian respectability is where Pisces feel at home.
Since Pisces are great dreamers, they find absolute happiness in the ability to build their imaginary worlds without obstacles, erase the boundaries between them, and invite dear people into these worlds.
Pisces women get very upset when their loved ones can't appreciate the extent of their fantasies. It's better to support sensitive Pisces, genuinely believe in them, and not interfere with their castle-building in the air. Only under such conditions can these castles become real. If not, the Pisces woman doesn't mind. She will patiently wait out any dissatisfaction with her impracticality in her unreal worlds.

What Pisces Women Dislike

Pisces women always carry a list of things they dislike and cannot accept. They keep it handy, and if needed, they won't hesitate to voice it. Pisces women dislike:

  • Unreliability. Empty promises and a refusal to keep agreements can turn a Pisces woman into an unforgiving enemy.
  • Selfishness. For Pisces, there's nothing worse than people who start relationships purely for personal gain.
  • Mistrust. Regardless of what Pisces say or do, they always believe they are right. Even if they deceive, they sincerely believe their own lies.
  • Ingratitude. Pisces value their own and others' efforts. They know how to be grateful and expect the same from others.

How to Win Over a Pisces Woman

It's not easy. Pisces women possess an inexplicable mystical power. They are famous for their intuition, which can reach the level of clairvoyance. They can sense invisible energy realms and are tuned into a unique frequency of world perception and universal laws, which not everyone can understand.

This trait makes Pisces women both desirable and extremely dangerous for men. Hardly anyone wants their deepest secrets and thoughts read like an open book. At the same time, their natural grace and ease, along with their connection to hidden knowledge, give Pisces women a special charm that attracts like a magnet.
Whom a Pisces woman will choose is a big mystery. Even for her. She might admire a man who gives expensive gifts and makes grand gestures, yet give her heart to a pauper who can count the stars.
It could also be the other way around. But in that case, the woman will be guided not by feelings, but by societal opinion, which does not recognize her individuality and ruthlessly shatters her rosy dreams, convincing her that you can't live on stars alone.

How to Understand if a Pisces Woman is in Love

A Pisces woman dives headfirst into relationships and is ready to "dissolve" in her man. Even if there is no relationship yet, she shows excessive care, trying to guess her love interest's every desire.

However, even when in love, Pisces women usually take their time before allowing intimacy, and they will make the first move only if they are one hundred percent sure of mutual feelings—rejection is too painful for them.

What Kind of Man a Pisces Woman Needs

A Pisces woman looks for a man with whom she can feel completely safe and supported. Since she wants more than just a romantic connection – an intuitive bond is her priority – the right man should be sensitive, attentive, and caring. It will be a significant advantage if they share common values and goals.

Love and Marriage

Marrying a Pisces woman is like adopting her. Prepare to shoulder all the responsibility for the relationship and handle family and household issues. Pisces justify their behavior simply: because you are the man. Otherwise, why get married?
Natalia Vodianova's Zodiac Sign – Pisces
Natalia Vodianova's Zodiac Sign – Pisces
To Pisces, marriage means making life simpler, more pleasant, and easier. If the situation is otherwise, a Pisces will think twice before getting involved. Her mission in the family is to be an ornament, complement her man, give useful advice, and create a cozy home. Everything else is the man's responsibility.

Sometimes, Pisces women can be selfless wives who are ready to sacrifice everything for love and family without regret. They have no problem giving up their own interests and fulfillment if their partner truly deserves it. They might even put the joy of motherhood on the line. If a man appreciates these sacrifices, the "December wife" will be endlessly happy living in the shadow of her incomparable husband or lover. Learn more about Pisces women's compatibility.

Work and Career

In their jobs, Pisces women rely more on intuition, making it hard to label their actions as rational. If a task conflicts with Pisces' inner impulses, they won't do it. But if they enjoy the work, they will give their all. They get along well with colleagues, becoming an indispensable part of a cohesive team.

However, as soon as clouds begin to gather, Pisces will disappear from the radar. In conflict situations, Pisces will never voice their opinion; they prefer to exit the game altogether. Their position remains neutral under any circumstances.
Pisces women don't know how to argue, attack, or defend their position passionately, so they prefer to step aside to maintain good relationships with everyone.
For the same reason, they don't aspire to leadership roles. Pisces believe that being a perfect boss for everyone is impossible. Women of this sign are more followers than leaders. They can be diligent and responsible performers but firmly believe that those with the drive and ability should manage a team, give assignments, and set tasks. Pisces themselves lack a managerial backbone, and they don't need it.

Suitable Profession

A Pisces woman seeks not just a job but freedom that brings financial reward. This is her utopian happiness! Pisces need space, choice, and available opportunities, as the Water element dictates. If women work, they choose professions related to creativity, fashion, art, or other fields where they can let their imagination soar. In these areas, they succeed, gaining fame and recognition.

In addition to the mentioned specializations, astrologers consider medicine, education, finance, clergy, and shipbuilding suitable. Pisces women also have an affinity for unusual, mystical, and supernatural professions. They thrive in yoga, astrology, palmistry, fortune-telling, and other occult activities. Pisces women often use these talents in risky professions. They can be talented con artists, card sharks, and rogues.


Pisces women are like walking medical encyclopedias. They have a diagnosis for every sneeze, and if they don't, they quickly find everything online, so there's no need to visit a doctor. When Pisces self-medicate, they miss the chance to address the illness at its root. This makes them very profitable for doctors, who have to treat not just one ailment but a whole bouquet, plus the side effects of self-treatment.
Emily Blunt – Pisces
Emily Blunt – Pisces
For this reason or due to their natural characteristics, Pisces can't boast of strong health. Their weakest areas are their legs (feet, heels), eyes, and lungs. Pisces are prone to swelling, varicose veins, rheumatic symptoms, polyps, and tumors. More than other signs, Pisces women are susceptible to schizophrenia. As preventive measures, Pisces are recommended to have a dry and warm climate, moderate physical activity, foot baths, and vacations by the sea or in the mountains.

How to Raise a Pisces Girl

Little Pisces girls are naturally quiet, calm, and peaceful. They easily make contact and are susceptible to influence. This trait can be both beneficial and harmful—be extremely careful, don't pressure your child, and avoid imposing your worldview on them. Pisces girls are very sensitive and impressionable: a sad movie or book can plunge them into deep thoughts and significantly worsen their mood.
Their tendency for deep analysis makes Pisces girls mature early, so they often seek friends among adults and experienced people rather than peers.
Little Pisces girls show their intuitive abilities more than adults. Don't criticize their perception of reality or accuse them of age-inappropriate fantasies. Pisces girls can sense the future and anticipate events. It's better to listen to their babbling, which may turn out to be far from childish, and even ask them about problems that can't be solved by conventional methods. Their unconventional perspective might reveal a simple and direct solution to the problem.