Bruce Lee's Biography
Bruce Lee is the greatest martial artist, who through his unique talent, motivation, and hard work became a universal legend and gained millions of followers all over the globe. A talented actor, director, and a screenwriter, he could portray the beauty and power of the eastern martial arts on screen.
Childhood and Youth
Bruce Lee was born in the United States, where his dad, Lee Hoi-Chuen – a Cantonese Opera Star, was on tour at the time. His pregnant wife, Grace Lee, a Chinese beauty with German roots, accompanied him throughout his trip. When it became obvious that the labor would start any day then, Lee Hoi left his wife at San Francisco Hospital and went on with his performances. On the 27th of November 1940, in the hour and day of Dragon, a boy was born, who was eventually fated to become a legend.
Having come back to the native HongKong, where their older daughter Phoebe and son Peter were waiting for them, the parents tried to make it seem as if they had a girl named Sai-fon («small phoenix»). They tried to fool evil spirits, who, according to their views, took their first child, who died as a baby. Initially, they dressed Bruce as a girl and pierced his ear to dispel any doubts. Interestingly, in his first role, he also appeared as a girl, portraying a 3-months old daughter of the main character in the drama «Golden Gate Girl».

Lee Hoi-Chuen tried to guide the way for his son and often brought him to film sets and theatre. Through this Bruce found his way into the industry quite early, and at the age of six he played a little thief in «The Birth of Mankind». His father dreamt about his child becoming an artist and saw that despite his thin build, disproportionately long arms, and slightly twisted left leg, the boy had an innate talent for rhythm and plastique. This is why he signed Bruce up for dancing, which Bruce immediately took to.

Sports Career
Despite the lack of free time, Bruce not only continued to go in for sports but was dedicating every spare minute to it. He mastered various techniques of KungFu, jiu-jitsu, and judo, using trees wrapped in blankets instead of mannequins.
Film Career
But it is not only his successes in the sport that made Bruce Lee a world legend. He managed to completely turn around the vision of fights in the cinema and take them up to another level. If earlier all on-screen battles were sped up, Bruce Lee’s fights were slowed down to let the viewers enjoy his great technique.

Bruce Lee's Private Life
Bruce met his future wife Lina Emery in Seatle. The woman, just like him, was a student at the Washington University and came to his Kung Fu classes. They developed mutual sympathy, which gradually progressed into love. Linda became Bruce ’s true fan and dedicated student, and in 1964 – his official spouse.
With Bruce Lee being in the prime of his life and physical fitness, his death shocked millions of his fans. His death still sparks up a lot of rumors and conspiracies.