Wheel of Fortune and The Devil

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Wheel of Fortune and The Devil cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Wheel of Fortune and card The Devil

When the Wheel of Fortune and The Devil appear upright, it signifies a time of significant change. The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes unexpected twists, while The Devil indicates the need to confront your dark side. This may not be a pleasant process, but it opens the door to deep transformation. You might have to face addictions or negative behavior patterns to ultimately free yourself from them.

Combination of card Wheel of Fortune and reversed card The Devil

With the combination of the upright Wheel of Fortune and the reversed Devil, things get a bit more complicated. Your luck or fortune might be overshadowed by inner fears or doubts that manifest as the Devil. It's time to face these shadows so you can move forward. It may be challenging, but remember, calm always follows the storm.

Combination of reversed card Wheel of Fortune and card The Devil

When the Wheel of Fortune is reversed, and the Devil is upright, it indicates an apparent lack of luck and possible influence of external dependencies. You might feel like you can't control the situation and constantly face obstacles. However, the Devil reminds us that often our "connections" and "chains" are just illusions. It's important to look at problems from a different angle to see the path to freedom.

Combination of reversed card Wheel of Fortune and reversed card The Devil

The reversed Wheel of Fortune and The Devil cards warn of possible loss of control and inner strength. You may feel that things are not going as planned and that you are too dependent on circumstances. But remember, the reversed Wheel of Fortune also symbolizes unexpected turns, and sometimes, to change something, you just need to change your perspective. This might be the time to let go of old patterns and behaviors and give yourself the chance to start anew.