Archetype of the Fortune Card
The Wheel of Fortune card foretells good luck. Its appearance predicts something amazing that will change life for the better. Fate will bring good fortune, most likely in a sudden and unexpected way. Problems, difficulties, or disagreements can be resolved through honest work, without additional financial investments.Although this arcana is considered favorable, it also reflects human powerlessness before fate. The arcana explores the cycle of life in all its manifestations: the passage of time, the change of seasons, sunrise and sunset, days, months, years... This card provides insight into how insignificant an individual person is. Everything keeps moving – with or without us.
Symbolism of the Fortune Card
The Wheel of Fortune card depicts a massive wheel with three figures on its outer edges. The snake represents Typhon, the Egyptian god of evil, and also symbolizes life force deeply immersed in the material world. To the right is Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, who welcomes souls into the underworld. At the top of the wheel sits the Sphinx, embodying the power of knowledge.The wheel features four Hebrew letters - YHVH (Yod Heh Vav Heh). This is the unpronounceable name of the Old Testament God – Yahweh (literally "He Who Was, He Who Will Be, and He Who Is"). The wheel also displays Latin letters forming the word TORA, meaning "law". These letters can also be interpreted as TAROT and even as ROTA ("wheel" in Latin).
Closer to the center of the wheel are alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt – the "building blocks" of life, representing the force of matter.
In the corners of the Wheel of Fortune card are four winged creatures, each linked to one of the four Zodiac signs: an angel for Aquarius, an eagle for Scorpio, a lion for Leo, and a bull for Taurus. Their wings symbolize stability in a changing world. Each creature holds the Torah – a symbol of wisdom.
This card does not feature human figures, as it touches on ideas and concepts that transcend any individual and operate on higher levels with their own pace and rhythm.
The Key Meaning of the Fortune Card
Fortune is one of the most powerful and significant Major Arcana cards. It is associated with the idea of luck, prosperity, and success.The card can serve as a reminder that life is full of opportunities and each of us has our own unique concept of luck and potential for success. It helps us realize no outcome is final, and we can always overcome any obstacles and achieve the desired results.
Life is a game of chance, and our success depends on our ability to adapt to changes – this is the key message of this card. Sometimes, troubles just happen. Everyone has free will and can act unpredictably. Good things can happen to bad people, and bad things can happen to good people. Criminals win the lottery, while righteous people fall down the stairs and break their bones. Events rarely go according to plan. However, we can control how we react to them.
The General Meaning of the Fortune Card in the Upright Position
Just like the spinning wheel has neither beginning nor end, life is in a constant state of change. If the inquirer is going through a difficult period, the card suggests that the situation will soon improve. The good times will return, and right on time.And if someone is currently experiencing good times, everything will soon change back to "normal." The Arcana reminds us: it is crucial to value happy moments in life and make the most of them because they can disappear in an instant.
The Wheel of Fortune card encourages optimism and faith that Fate, higher powers, will take care of you. The key is to be ready to grow and develop and remain open to signs from the Universe. Be kinder to your loved ones—they want the best for you. Reach out to them whenever you need to.
The tarot reader from believes that the Fortune card in the upright position symbolizes luck, favorable circumstances, and opportunities. It can indicate a period of prosperity and success, as well as times of peace and harmony in life.
The General Meaning of the Fortune Card in the Reversed Position
The Wheel of Fortune in the reversed position suggests your luck may soon take a negative turn. You will face unexpected changes, and external destructive forces will make you feel vulnerable. You have a choice: either do nothing and hope things will improve on their own, or take action to change the situation for the better. See this moment as an opportunity to take control of your life and get back on the right path.The Wheel of Fortune in the reversed position can also reflect resistance to change. This card indicates that changes have become a source of immense stress, and you are consciously or subconsciously trying to stop them. The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that change is inevitable. It will be better if you go with the flow.
On the other hand, the reversed Wheel of Fortune may mean you have finally broken the cycle of negativity in your life. You may have realized which actions turned you into a hamster on a wheel, doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over, and are now ready to break free. In some cases, this happens naturally through self-reflection. In others, you may need to hit rock bottom to push off.
The Meaning of the Fortune Card in Love in an Upright Position
- If you are in a relationship, planning to propose soon, or considering other significant personal changes, the Wheel of Fortune card in an upright position indicates that events will go in your favor and you will confidently move to the next level.
- If you are not satisfied in your current relationship or simply want to move on, the Wheel of Fortune card suggests giving the relationship one last chance. The card does not directly prevent breaking up, but it signals that you should not give up without a fight – nothing good in life comes easily.
- If the querent is single, the Wheel of Fortune hints that the Universe is working in the right direction, and they will soon meet someone they deserve. However, they should not shut themselves off and become a recluse – nothing ventured, nothing gained. Now is the time to step out of their comfort zone and take the first step. This will be a new experience, the very changes that the Wheel of Fortune embodies.
Significance of the Fortune Card in Love in a Reversed Position
If the Wheel of Fortune card appears reversed in a love reading, it may signal that your current relationship is about to hit a rough patch, if it hasn't already. However, this doesn't mean you should make hasty decisions, break up, or start preparing a backup plan. The card indicates that all relationships have their ups and downs, and you are currently in a down phase, but you can handle it!Regardless of the cause of the conflict, try to analyze everything and make a balanced decision. Consider taking a short break in the relationship or giving your partner more personal space.
One of the reasons for conflict in relationships that Fortune may also warn about is past mistakes resurfacing.
If you truly want to find happiness in love, the reversed Fortune card suggests you should seek people with whom you are spiritually compatible, not just those who seem physically attractive. Remember, the Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position will "sort out" the situation by itself, but don't get discouraged by failures – just try to go with the flow.
Fortune Card as the Card of the Day
When fortune-telling for the card of the day, the Fortune card may indicate the following meanings:- Upright. Today you will have luck and favorable circumstances. Everything is going as planned, and you feel confident and satisfied. The card may also indicate forced risks that could lead to success.
- Reversed. Misfortune, something in your life will not go as planned. The card may also indicate the need to make critical decisions and establish control over the situation.
What the Fortune Card Warns About
- This card advises seeking change independently. Move forward. Be bolder – take the initiative! The more you strive for change, the quicker it will come into your life. Create your own luck.
- The Wheel of Fortune can also indicate the need to adapt to changes. If significant changes are happening in your world, don't fight them. Be curious. You will be surprised when you see where these changes lead you.
- The card may also point to opportunities: stay alert, look for chances, and don't miss them – they can change your life for the better.
- Finally, it's a reminder not to take anything for granted. You are given an opportunity or a second chance. Don't miss it!