Combination of card Six of Cups and card Seven of Swords
The Six of Cups in an upright position and the Seven of Swords also in an upright position. Speaking of compatibility, these cards indicate memories and a desire to overcome obstacles. Perhaps you had difficulties in the past, and now you strive to overcome them. The Six of Cups may point to nostalgia and reliving past events, while the Seven of Swords speaks of a desire for independence and overcoming challenges.
Combination of card Six of Cups and reversed card Seven of Swords
Now imagine that the Six of Cups remains upright, but the Seven of Swords is reversed. Be cautious, as this might indicate that you are trying to avoid problems, possibly through deceit or unethical actions. Remember, the past is important, but don't get so caught up in memories that you forget the present. The Six of Cups reminds us that past events can influence the present, but the reversed Seven of Swords suggests the need to look at the situation truthfully.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and card Seven of Swords
Let's reverse the Six of Cups and keep the Seven of Swords upright. This combination might indicate that you underestimate your strengths and abilities. Perhaps you look back too often and dwell on the past, which prevents you from moving forward. The upright Seven of Swords in this situation suggests that you have all the necessary resources to overcome difficulties; you just need to focus on the present and future.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and reversed card Seven of Swords
The final combination is the Six of Cups and the Seven of Swords, both reversed. This may indicate that you could face difficulties related to dishonesty, deception, or unfair actions. Your memories might prevent you from seeing the real picture. It's important to stay honest with yourself and not let the past affect your perception of the situation. Remember, there is always a way to overcome difficulties; you just need to be able to see it.