The Six of Cups is one of the most romantic and "light" cards in the Tarot deck. This card represents pleasant memories, long-lasting friendships, and shared pasts.The main archetype of the Six of Cups is "small happiness." It doesn't promise great wealth or phenomenal luck, but it carries no risk or negativity. This is a very good sign for "homebodies," while for enterprising adventurers, it signifies stagnation.
Overall, the archetype of the Six of Cups symbolizes satisfaction and well-being in relationships, whether familial, friendly, or professional. It reminds us that joy can be found in connecting with others and highlights the importance of close bonds.
Key words associated with the Six of Cups: joy, well-being, pleasure, harmony, satisfaction, sensuality, emotions, intuition, imagination, love, friendship, communication, and social connections.
Card Symbolism
The card depicts a boy giving a girl a cup filled with white flowers. In the background, there is a colorful village landscape, a thatched house, and castle walls.In the foreground, there are four cups with flowers growing in them. Another cup stands on a podium decorated with a heraldic cross. The flowers signify growth and prosperity, reminding us that happiness can be found in the small joys of life. The scene takes place within the castle walls, indicating that the children are safe.
The Six of Cups card possesses a special aesthetic charm. The composition is symmetrical and balanced, giving the card a sense of calm and equilibrium. The color scheme of the Six of Cups, mainly white and blue, highlights its emotional and serene nature. The card radiates warmth and invites one to enjoy the moment.
The imagery of this card symbolizes shared life, kindness, and generosity. The children are in a good mood, indicating that the overall mood of this card is positive.
Key Meaning
The main meaning of the card is conveyed by the image more eloquently than any words. It brings back pleasant memories of childhood and days spent at the family home, vivid dreams, and happy moments that remain in the past but warm the present.General Meaning of the Card in the Upright Position
The Six of Cups is a "good" card. It signifies harmony that originates from the past, even as far back as early childhood. Moments from youth now bear fruit. Happy memories, childhood friends, or past loves still hold a special place in the querent's life. Past experiences provide a foundation for achieving goals, and the knowledge gained from them allows for life improvements.The Six of Cups also hints at a change of job or residence.
In its upright position, the Six of Cups symbolizes sincere, naive, and spontaneous feelings—just like in childhood: the ability to enjoy the moment and build friendships.
Additionally, depending on the spread, the arcana may indicate positive events in your life coming from the past. This could be a meeting with a former acquaintance or a payment for an old project. Overall, according to, the Six of Cups promises positive changes, stability, and prosperity, closely tied to family values.
If the Six of Cups appears as the final card, it signifies the realization of a long-forgotten dream.
Furthermore, this card speaks of upcoming celebrations, holidays, anniversaries, and possibly reunions with old acquaintances.
In some cases, the Six of Cups informs that the current situation in life has arisen due to past circumstances.
General Meaning of the Reversed Card
The main difference between the reversed Six of Cups and the upright version is that it focuses on the future, not the past. Its primary meaning relates to the desire to forget traumatic moments, leave them behind, and move forward.The reversed Six of Cups speaks of events in the near future. These can include new goals and aspirations, as well as the most significant events in life. It signifies that the querent is expanding their horizons, growing and developing, gaining new knowledge, and making connections. The reversed Six of Cups indicates new friends, knowledge, surroundings, changes in attitude towards life, and that something important will happen soon.
The reversed Six of Cups also suggests that your usual way of life may be disrupted by unnecessary fuss and impatience.
There is another meaning—receiving an inheritance, small but larger than expected.
The Meaning of the Six of Cups in Love Upright
In the context of love and romantic relationships, the Six of Cups can have several meanings. Most likely, the card wants to remind you of pleasant shared moments that strengthen your current relationship and offer future prospects.It could refer to someone you have been dating for a long time and have experienced many bonding events together. It might also hint at an ex-partner who dreams of reconciliation. Or perhaps, it is an old friend or acquaintance who has realized they have deeper feelings for you.
Another meaning is romance (if the card appears at the beginning of a relationship). The card may symbolize first dates, shared dreams, and flirting.
In any case, the card leaves no doubt that you can easily achieve what you want, not only without damaging relationships with loved ones but also making them much stronger.
Meaning of the Card in Love in the Reversed Position
In the reversed position, this card indicates intentions to leave something in the past, to forget unpleasant events, or even to completely break off painful relationships. In any case, this will have a positive impact on your future.On the other hand, the reversed Six of Cups can also predict reconciliation between partners, regardless of common sense or past experiences. It indicates a more complex and problematic situation than it appears from the outside.
Additionally, the Six of Cups can indicate that the querent still lives in the past. Possibly, the traumatic experience of past relationships still hinders opening up to new love. Or they believe they will never meet someone as suitable as their past love.
Six of Cups as the Card of the Day
If you don't have a specific question and just want to know how the upcoming day will go, you can draw a "card of the day." If you get the Six of Cups, it might mean the following:- Upright Position: The Six of Cups predicts a joyful day. Your mood will be good and even playful. There is a high chance of meeting old friends or people you lost touch with long ago.
- Reversed Position: The day will be unpleasant, filled with boredom and exhaustion. You will desperately lack the energy for new beginnings. It is a good day for indulging in nostalgia and reminiscing about the good old days.
What the Six of Cups Warns About
The Six of Cups card can warn and offer advice depending on the context of the question it serves as an answer to.The Six of Cups suggests developing creativity and remembering what it's like to be a child. This can help restore a zest for life and bring enthusiasm to your work.
Additionally, the card reminds us that happiness and joy come from within, and we should seek them inside ourselves, not in external circumstances. The advice may be to turn to your inner resources and trust that all good things lie within us.