In the Seven of Swords, we see a man sneaking away with a bunch of swords he clearly stole, and he seems pleased. He gives the impression of someone who is always thinking. This card often embodies the archetype of a loner, someone who desires to be free and independent.He always acts on his own, solving his problems using only his intellect, strength, and available resources. This person believes that everything he has achieved is because he never asked anyone for help.
The Seven of Swords may be linked to someone who simply doesn't need others. He prefers solitude and always keeps his distance. A person with the Seven of Swords usually deceives or is deceived by someone else. Such a person is often two-faced, skillfully covering his tracks and manipulating from behind the scenes – a sort of gray cardinal.
Symbolism of the Card
The card shows a man sneaking away from a military camp after stealing five swords. This card is usually interpreted as an attempt to hide one's true intentions from others or oneself, often in a state of denial.The symbols of this card can be interpreted as follows:
- The Man. He is a kind of paradox: moving forward but looking back. This shows that he is sneaking away, emphasized by his sly grin.
- Feet. The man tiptoes, highlighting his intentions. The red color of his shoes symbolizes emotions overpowering reason.
- Tents. The military camp symbolizes civilization. It's clear he stole the weapons from its inhabitants. Although his motives remain unclear, his actions leave no room for a positive interpretation.
- Five Swords in Hand. This refers to the Five of Swords card. But unlike that card, which suggested the man won the swords in a fair fight, this card clearly shows his malicious intentions.
- Two Left Swords. These serve as proof of the man's guilt.
Key Meaning
If the Seven of Swords appears in a spread, it may indicate the querent's (or someone close to them) inclination towards solitude. You might feel more productive when alone.This can be beneficial if you believe a certain person or group of people are dragging you down, but you can't apply this principle to everyone around you. The card warns: if you tend to act alone, make sure the advantages truly outweigh the disadvantages.
The Seven of Swords can also point to choices that don't align with universal principles. We all make wrong decisions sometimes, ones we wouldn't want to publicize. Some of these have minor, others—serious consequences. If you see the Seven of Swords in a spread, think carefully about what you're doing, because a wrong choice can ultimately undermine your self-respect and confidence.
General Meaning of the Card in the Upright Position
The Seven of Swords in an upright position often symbolizes finding an unconventional way out of a difficult situation. It means that now it's better not to act head-on, avoid conflicts, and look for alternative solutions. The Seven of Swords points to resourcefulness, logic, and creative solutions, as well as the presence of strategy and tactics.The card may indicate that the querent faces constant resistance. The source is known, but it's unclear who controls it. Plans fall apart, progress slows down, and the querent feels disappointed. But by avoiding open confrontation and skillfully using their talents, the querent can defeat the unknown and thus more dangerous opponent.
The Seven of Swords symbolizes hope and confidence. It speaks of new attempts to overcome previous failures, and this time, success may be within reach. A good piece of advice (either from oneself or someone else) can be especially valuable.
The Seven of Swords in the upright position acts in its classic meaning: sacrificing conscience and advancing towards the goal by any means necessary, even if it means stepping over others. It always speaks of cunning and "little lies" or withholding information for seemingly good reasons. Sometimes, a little deception and adaptability are acceptable.
One of the traditional meanings of this card is persistence combined with a sharp mind. This combination helps find solutions even in the most difficult situations.
In spreads, this card can indicate deceit or fraud to achieve one's goal, dishonest play, intrigue, and cunning. The Seven of Swords warns that your schemes may help you achieve what you want but could severely damage your reputation and nullify all your accomplishments.
The General Meaning of the Reversed Card
The reversed Seven of Swords warns you not to lose vigilance or rest on your laurels, especially if you previously emerged victorious in a confrontation with someone. Any weakness on your part will allow your opponent to regroup and strike again.Sometimes, the card shows that the querent has inadvertently become a third party in someone else's conflicts, learned a secret, or that a malicious person is covertly influencing their affairs.
At the same time, the card can indicate a situation where the querent has opponents or enemies playing a secret game against them, but they are successfully uncovering these schemes. The presence of this card in a spread indicates that you are acting correctly, not allowing your opponents to gain the upper hand. However, you must remain vigilant—your enemies are not idle.
Additionally, the reversed Seven of Swords promises that if you have previously suffered from someone's deceitful actions, you now have every chance to recover what you lost or restore your good name. In other words, the Seven of Swords promises that justice will prevail.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in the Upright Position
If the Seven of Swords appears in a love and relationship reading in the upright position, it means that your personal life lacks genuine and vivid emotions. You rely too much on reason, forgetting about feelings. Maybe you consider love an unnecessary distraction from more important matters. But the Seven of Swords indicates that you need to let a bit of irrationality into your life, which other people can bring.The card may indicate a lack of sincerity in relationships: partners avoid open-hearted conversations or shy away from making important decisions. The card can signal problems hidden under a facade of well-being. In matters of loyalty, the card clearly points to infidelity, deception, and a double life.
The Meaning of the Inverted Card in Love
The inverted Seven of Swords symbolizes painful, unhealthy relationships where one partner becomes emotionally dependent on the other. This leads to depression, nervous breakdowns, and illnesses.Additionally, the card is often interpreted as slander that can destroy relationships.
Seven of Swords as the Card of the Day
When the Seven of Swords tarot card appears in the "Card of the Day" reading and answers the question "What awaits me today?", its meaning may be as follows:- Upright Position. A conflict with another person might occur during the day. The card advises caution and suggests taking indirect approaches to diplomatically resolve the issue.
- Reversed Position. The danger a person anticipated may either disappear entirely or turn out to be greatly exaggerated. The card can also indicate missed opportunities or an inability to make a decision in a difficult situation.
What the Seven of Swords Warns About
The Seven of Swords card may warn you to leave behind old behavioral patterns because they no longer work. Leave the figurative "two swords" behind and start thinking differently.The card also advises patience: positive changes may take some time, and it's not guaranteed that your efforts will succeed on the first try. Now it’s important to listen to your intellect and avoid making hasty conclusions. Stay low and do what you need to do.