An Aries man in love is a passionate romantic. He acts like a hunter: if he likes a girl, he will pursue her in the most unexpected ways and ignore any "no."
Walking through life with an Aries man isn't easy, but it's never boring. According to astrologers, an Aries will keep his beloved from sinking into routine and remind her of what true love feels like.
Pros and Cons of an Aries Man in Love
Among the pros of an Aries man in love:- reliability
- courtesy
- care
- passion
- jealousy
- anger
- desire to command
- indulgence in his weaknesses
What Kind of Women Attract an Aries Man
An Aries man is drawn to easygoing beauties with a unique sense of humor, who have both charm and mystery. He is also attracted to intelligent women with original views on various aspects of life, who are a bit unconventional.For an Aries, it's crucial that a woman can stand up for her independence. Being somewhat authoritarian and inclined to dominate those close to him, an Aries man—paradoxically—quickly loses interest in a submissive and compliant partner. However, he takes offense to any criticism directed at him, and if a woman overuses it, the relationship is unlikely to last long.
An Aries loves flattery, so compliments on his achievements and appearance will instantly make a woman more attractive in his eyes. And if she gratefully accepts his grand gestures and shows of care, he will immediately "melt." He likes to be seen as a knight and protector.
Good manners and tact impress an Aries, while an easily accessible, pushy woman who dresses tastelessly and vulgarly will definitely not interest him. The conqueror Aries simply won't have anyone to win over—everything will fall into his hands, depriving him of the thrill of the chase.

How to Tell if an Aries Man is in Love
If an Aries man acts cold and reserved, it doesn't mean he isn’t burning with love inside. He usually restrains his outward displays of affection out of fear of rejection or, worse, ridicule. Of course, sometimes he hides his feelings because he has commitments to another woman.To avoid revealing all his cards, an Aries man behaves with deliberate coldness. Sometimes he shows irritability or even takes out his anger on her.
If a woman wants to understand an Aries man's true intentions, she should catch his gaze more often. Forgetting about self-control, an Aries man often looks at the object of his affection with sadness. If she looks him straight in the eyes, he won't look away but will stare intensely without smiling. If this confuses or frightens her, the Aries man mentally gives himself high marks for a first success.

It’s very difficult for an Aries man to straightforwardly declare his love. Therefore, he delays the moment of confession for as long as possible. During these periods, mood swings are also signs of an Aries man's love. One moment he is cheerful and energetic, the next, he looks depressed and lost in gloomy thoughts.
Aries: Famous People
Show allHow an Aries Man Courts
If an Aries man doesn't know a potential partner well, he starts approaching her from a distance. But once he gets on the same wavelength with her, he'll try to take up as much space in her life as possible. He might call her in the evenings or ask for small favors. All the while, he's just waiting for a chance to come to her aid and show his irreplaceable Aries charm.However, the story of an Aries rushing to help can end with new problems. Asked to fix a faucet and seeing a wrench for the first time in his life? He will never admit his incompetence. The faucet might end up completely broken, and his pride wounded. But during the repair chaos, Aries and his partner will likely grow closer and laugh about it later.
After the first interaction, Aries takes more decisive steps. He usually doesn't settle for a trip to the nearest coffee shop but tries to come up with something unusual and memorable. He will also show his generosity in every possible way and shower his beloved with gifts, even though he's not prone to extravagance in everyday life. He will reveal his frugality, sometimes bordering on stinginess, in the first few months of a stable relationship.
Aries Man in Sex
When it comes to physical pleasures, an Aries man stays true to himself. For him, intimate contact is the reward of a hunter. In bed, he prefers to lead, fully controlling what happens in the bedroom. He dislikes when his partner contradicts his desires, and he is a master and experimenter in fantasies.He is primarily interested in his own pleasure. An Aries man rarely asks if his woman enjoyed herself in bed. He generally doesn't like cuddling or discussing love after it's over.
A representative of the fire element loves making love in unexpected places. A traditional romantic evening with candles and a predictable continuation doesn't excite him, nor does any pre-written script. If such a "play" repeats night after night, the Aries soul will seek adventures elsewhere. The element of surprise, passion, and the unexpected, like being caught with a partner on the beach or in a car, is more his style.
Since an Aries man has a large sexual appetite, he tends to seek novelty not only in intimate games but also in partners. Therefore, changing lovers is common for Aries men. However, it's not fair to label them as cheaters right away: there are also Aries men who place their women on a pedestal and remain loyal as swans.

Aries Man in Relationships
In relationships, an Aries man values openness. If a woman tries to adjust to him and please him, the relationship won't be happy. Yes, he hates hearing criticism and is ready to defend his point of view to the bitter end, but he hates lies and manipulation even more.An Aries man loves with his eyes. Unlike men of other zodiac signs who accept their loved ones as they are, an Aries man is quite particular in these matters. Seeing his partner in curlers in the morning is unacceptable for him.
Aries wants his woman to be the best and most beautiful so that his friends will be envious. At the same time, he is extremely jealous and very suspicious, often provoking arguments out of nowhere. If his partner cheats on him, he cuts off all contact.
If disagreements arise in the relationship, an Aries man speaks his mind without mincing words, even when it's not very tactful. In trying to get his point across, he can behave rudely and harshly. However, his partner might see this as exciting boldness, which can make her feelings for him even stronger.
A woman will be happy with an Aries man if:
- she loves decisive men
- hates monotony
- values the freedom to express her feelings
- sees a man's temper as an integral part of love
Aries Man in Marriage
Only a woman who can unconditionally accept the man's leadership and calmly handle his frequent bouts of jealousy will thrive in a marriage with an Aries.To peacefully coexist with a man of this sign, a woman must either adopt a truly Buddhist philosophy or possess a shrewdness combined with enviable patience.
The best strategy is to indulgently accept his emotional outbursts without adding fuel to the fire. Especially since the Aries' anger often dissipates as quickly as it arises.
In any case, the Aries' wife will need time to adapt to her partner, to see all the hidden sides of his nature, and to successfully navigate the pitfalls of marriage.
Of course, the best way to maintain peace in a family with an Aries is to clearly understand what drives this man. An Aries husband cannot acknowledge the superiority of another, let alone bow to his wife, and that's fine! Let him satisfy his ego.
After all, he will always show care and love. He won't neglect his woman like a discarded toy and will always shower her with compliments. Moreover, this man knows that providing for the family is his (and no one else's) responsibility. All he needs is a delicious dinner waiting at home and fiery passion at night.

No family issue will escape the Aries' attention. He has the final word in matters of vacations, enrolling children in kindergarten or school, renovations, or expensive purchases. In his view, his wife's role in marriage is that of a caring homemaker. Pursuing a career, he believes, is not her path. Especially if his partner turns out to be more successful in her work, it will lead to discord in the family. Alas, Aries is quite the chauvinist.
How to Break Up with an Aries Man
To break up with an Aries man, it’s important to understand that Aries value respect for their personality and opinions. To avoid hurt feelings during the breakup, it is recommended to:- Be honest and direct: Tell the Aries man how you feel and why you want to end the relationship.
- Communicate in a calm and friendly setting: This will help reduce tension and improve communication.
- Respect their viewpoint: Give the Aries man a chance to express himself and understand his feelings.
- Try to remain friends: If possible, attempt to maintain a friendly relationship and respect each other in the future.
How an Aries Man Behaves During a Divorce
An Aries man, having lost interest in a woman, leaves without fights or conflicts, contrary to habit. Often, he doesn't even explain why.If the relationship was long-lasting and stood the test of time, it can be difficult for him to part with his partner. As the end begins, arguments with his wife still trouble him, but at some point, he stops reacting to tears and reproaches.
In his internal turmoil, Aries often goes in circles. He may seek relief in excessive fun, thinking it will drown out his pain and worries.
If his wife initiates the breakup, the Aries man experiences a storm of emotions, even hatred, but is unlikely to look for faults in his own behavior. He hides his emotions behind a mask of indifference, trying to show that it means nothing to him.
A breakup at the woman's demand leaves such a deep scar in his soul that he cannot find comfort in another woman's arms for a long time.

How to Win Back an Aries Man
To rebuild a relationship with an Aries man, a woman must consider who caused the breakup — her or him.If the Aries is clearly at fault, the simplest approach is to wait until he realizes he was wrong and wants to make amends. You can rely on this sign's ability to let things go.
However, Aries is proud and finds it hard to admit mistakes. Therefore, a woman needs to give him a reason to continue communicating, choosing the right words that he will take as an invitation to talk or act. You can also make him jealous so he understands that only an idiot would let go of a woman surrounded by admirers.
If she is to blame and the breakup followed a heated argument, she can only hope that the Aries still cares and won't let her go without a fight. Regardless, she will need to make an effort to correct her mistakes. At the very least, she needs to earn back the Aries' trust. To do this, she must be as honest as possible with her beloved — this is the kind of behavior that this zodiac sign values.
Aries Man: Compatibility with Other Signs
Aries | 70 % |
Taurus | 74 % |
Gemini | 72 % |
Cancer | 75 % |
Leo | 89 % |
Virgo | 72 % |
Libra | 97 % |
Scorpio | 80 % |
Sagittarius | 79 % |
Capricorn | 79 % |
Aquarius | 87 % |
Pisces | 71 % |