Aquarius Woman Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Date Range:
21 January - 19 February
Eccentricity, progressiveness, altruism, originality
Best compatibility:
Libra , Leo
Worst compatibility:
Taurus , Virgo
Gaining the attention of a fickle Aquarius woman is not easy. She readily makes new acquaintances and flirts, but avoids strong emotions. She does not want to give up her freedom, so she won't take the relationship to a serious level herself.

At first glance, an Aquarius woman seems like an unpredictable eccentric. But if you get to know her better, it becomes clear that she is guided by reason and rarely succumbs to blind emotions. This mindset largely shapes her attitude towards love.

A woman born under this zodiac sign does not seek marriage. To her, it equals a loss of freedom. However, if a man has the sense to give her as much personal space and freedom as possible, the Aquarius woman may stop seeing marriage as a burden. But she can only be truly happy with a creatively minded, unconventional person.

Pros and Cons of an Aquarius Woman in Love

The positive traits of this Zodiac sign include:
  • kindness
  • openness
  • sociability
  • wit
  • charm
  • resourcefulness
The negative traits in love include:
  • mood swings
  • suspicion
  • nervousness
  • inability to express feelings
  • love for adventures

What Kind of Men Attract an Aquarius Woman

An Aquarius woman is drawn to extraordinary and sociable men with exceptional intelligence and rich imagination. The more diverse a person's interests, the more attentively Uranus' protégée will look at him.

She will be delighted by an educated conversationalist who constantly broadens horizons. She prefers a confident guy who values his freedom and respects others' freedom too.

She also likes gallant men with a sense of ambition. This woman is unlikely to connect with a "couch potato" who lacks energy and willpower.

Additionally, she needs a man with whom she can dream about the unattainable, and she doesn't understand pragmatic and overly grounded people who plan everything years ahead.
Actress Jennifer Aniston – an Aquarius Woman
Actress Jennifer Aniston – an Aquarius Woman

How to Tell if an Aquarius Woman is in Love

A number of characteristic signs can indicate that a woman of this zodiac sign has feelings for a guy, starting with her manner of communication. She has no problems with communication, always surrounded by friends, but rarely makes the first move toward closeness – a self-sufficient Aquarius lady simply doesn't need to.

So if she takes the first steps to get closer to a man and seeks to communicate with him, it's not just by chance. She will ask him a lot of questions, trying to get to know him better, while keeping quiet about herself, building intrigue.

You might notice that she feels somewhat awkward around the guy she likes, even though shyness is not typical for Aquarius.

A woman born under this zodiac sign can talk with an important person for hours. She will discuss a wide range of topics. If she chats non-stop, it's a clear sign of her interest. Importantly, she will also listen attentively to the man, although Aquarius women are not known for being great listeners. The longer she talks and listens, the stronger her emotional connection with him becomes.

Another sign of her deep interest in a man is her desire to involve him in her most exciting activities. Her range of interests is very diverse, as is her circle of friends. She will definitely want to introduce her loved one to them and make him part of this "collective."

A Uranus-ruled woman in love is usually in high spirits and tends to amuse her love interest with funny stories. She has a good sense of humor.

This adventure lover will want to take the person dear to her on a trip she has long dreamed of. Acting on impulse, she might suggest that the guy join her on this getaway.

A sure sign of her affection is her desire to invite the man to her home, as she views her dwelling as something sacred and only invites selected individuals.

Aquarius: Famous People

Aquarius Woman in Sex

Aquarians have quite high standards for potential sexual partners. She doesn't tolerate being seen merely as an object of desire and wants the man to be caring and serious.

Fleeting bedroom adventures are not for her. For this reason, this woman allows sexual contact only after several dates, ensuring she has a full-fledged romance and not a brief love affair.

If she doesn't get the satisfaction she expected from intimacy, she easily parts ways with her lover, taking the unsuccessful experience into account for the future.

In bed, she loves long foreplay and expressions of tenderness. If she feels complete mutual understanding with her partner, she can give him unforgettable experiences. She is inventive in such matters and readily accepts suggestions from her lover. She is interested not only in her own pleasure but also in that of the man.

Aquarius Woman in Relationships

A woman born under this zodiac sign doesn't share traditional views on relationships. She will never be content with the role of a housewife.

A relationship with her will be filled with bright events. Even if a man eventually breaks up with an Aquarius woman, he will remember this colorful kaleidoscope of impressions for life.

However, Aquarius occasionally feels a strong desire to withdraw into her shell. It's best not to disturb her during these moments and avoid questioning her.

In a relationship, this lady will not tolerate a man's infidelity. A partner's betrayal can cause her serious psychological trauma. Naturally, she will immediately break up with the cheater.
Elizabeth Olsen – Aquarius Woman
Elizabeth Olsen – Aquarius Woman

Aquarius Woman in Marriage

Playing the role of a wife is challenging for women of this sign. She aims to fully enjoy her freedom, embarking on adventures and engaging in all sorts of craziness, so she is in no rush to commit to such serious obligations, even with a man she loves dearly.

An Aquarius marries only when her characteristic carefree mischief starts to tire her. If an Aquarius girl marries early, it's just another extreme of the same attitude towards life.

Often, a child in this woman's family appears not because she planned it, but because it "just happened."

No matter how good the husband is, he is unlikely to become an authority for an Aquarius. He shouldn't expect his word to be law for her. An Aquarius will either present him with a significant list of grievances or simply avoid the conversation.

99% of this lady's interests lie outside the home. After getting married, she doesn't stop communicating with her numerous friends. Often, she cares more for some of them than for her family members.

As for household chores, without a penchant for cleaning and cooking, an Aquarius woman loves to acquire new gadgets that make this thankless work easier.
Actress Christina Ricci – a bright representative of the Aquarius sign
Actress Christina Ricci – a bright representative of the Aquarius sign

Mistakes of an Aquarius Woman in Relationships

An Aquarius woman often makes mistakes in choosing a partner. Being an adventurous personality, she frequently falls under the charm of a man's boldness and bravery. She is attracted to both a striking appearance and a sharp mind.

But when the romantic allure fades and everyday life begins, the man sometimes reveals his less favorable traits. Often, the uniqueness of the man comes with bad habits like an unhealthy attachment to alcohol, laziness, or extreme aggressiveness. After a breakup, an Aquarius will chastise herself for not being able to understand people better.

The habit of an Aquarius woman to spend her free time with friends also doesn't benefit family happiness. It's good if her man is not jealous and gets along with her circle. But if he can't accept that he constantly has to fight for a place in her heart...

An Aquarius woman needs to spend some time alone now and then. This desire to distance herself from loved ones can sometimes be misunderstood. To avoid straining the relationship, it’s best to explain this need to her partner early on so he doesn’t take her withdrawal personally.

An Aquarius woman's casual attitude towards household chores can be a problem, but rarely—if she has chosen to be with someone, he most likely understands that her value lies far beyond her domestic skills.

Many Aquarius women, oddly enough, have trouble expressing their feelings. Instead of directly saying what bothers them, they start making sharp jokes and hints about what irritates them. Unfortunately, these ladies are also not generous with kind words.

How an Aquarius Woman Behaves During a Divorce

Creating grand scandals is a very rare occurrence when it comes to an Aquarius woman. If she speaks about her feelings aggressively, it means there is still something to save in the relationship.

If everything has healed, she leaves without saying goodbye. If the man forces her to explain, her thoughts might be very far away and she may not even hear his words.

She is not inclined to give farewell monologues. In her view, the act of leaving speaks for itself, and discussing it is pointless.

It seems that an Aquarius woman parts easily, without pain or regret. In reality, this is not the case. Moreover, she prefers to remember the good in what is left behind rather than what has become a dead weight. Therefore, when leaving, she tries not to make the situation worse.
Singer Shakira – Aquarius by Zodiac Sign
Singer Shakira – Aquarius by Zodiac Sign

How to Break Up with an Aquarius Woman

If you want to break up with an Aquarius woman, start with an open and honest conversation. Try to calm her down and suggest interim solutions to handle the situation. If this is not possible, make the difficult decision and move on, trying not to cause each other additional harm.

How to Win Back an Aquarius Woman

An Aquarius woman may leave for various reasons. She might feel misunderstood or disrespected by her partner. She could also feel bored with her partner's company or pressured by him.

If she leaves, getting her back won't be easy. Start by writing her a letter, listing all her qualities and the emotions you felt after the breakup.

Then, meet with her in person. During the conversation, don't show any dissatisfaction with the situation. Keep the communication sincere. This lady won't tolerate cheap theatrics.

When talking to an Aquarius woman, appeal more to her intellect rather than her emotions.

Flowers, kindness, and genuine declarations of your intentions can help in the reconciliation process. However, words alone won't suffice. The woman who left needs to see the man's readiness to admit his mistakes and real changes in his behavior and attitude toward her.

Aquarius Woman: Compatibility with Other Signs

Aries 87 %
Taurus 74 %
Gemini 83 %
Cancer 76 %
Leo 91 %
Virgo 65 %
Libra 93 %
Scorpio 85 %
Sagittarius 77 %
Capricorn 81 %
Aquarius 90 %
Pisces 75 %