Top 5 Biggest Cakes Ever

Diets, as you were! Today we are going to talk about the most impressive cakes in the world. How can we measure people’s sugar craving? How many products and time would it take to bake the largest cake in the globe?

Top 5 Most Impressive Cakes

Where did people bake the cake nine-floor building’s height and what was the weight of the largest cake in the world? Learn these and many other interesting facts concerning cakes-monsters in our listings.
Learn everything about the most impressive cakes of the mankind!
Learn everything about the most impressive cakes of the mankind!

The Largest Wedding Cake Ever

Tiered cakes are an integral part of either cheapest or most expensive wedding events. Its history roots outs from England, where was a tradition of piling the small cakes one over another by invited wedding guests to build a high sweet construction. The newly married should kiss above this cake in order to catch the fortune until the end of the days.

Our record holder didn’t break the tradition. The 7-tiered cake weighing more than 15 thousand pounds is the largest, heaviest and probably most impressive wedding cake in the world. Each tier was delivered in the cargo lift one by one.
Guests were not lucky to taste the largest wedding cake in the history
Guests were not lucky to taste the largest wedding cake in the history
It’s hard to name newly married because there was no wedding. The cake was baked specially for the Guinness World Records. Instead, we can name the pastry chef, who created this masterpiece – Lynn Mansel. 57 assistants helped him to bake the wedding cake. According to estimates, nearly 59 thousand guests could eat the cake if the wedding would really be.
Pastry chef Lynn Mansel
Pastry chef Lynn Mansel
This record was set at the Mohegan Sun Casino Hotel, Connecticut, in 2004. The previous record holder weighing 4,5 thousand pounds was baked in the Universal Studios park in July 2003. No one can go one up on Mansel and his company still.

The Largest Birthday Cake

In 1989, Fort Payne, Alabama, citizens baked the cake weighing 128 thousand pounds to their native town’s 100 Anniversary. The cake was 27 yards long and 10 yards wide.
For a long period, Fort Payne’s 100-Anniversary cake was considered as the largest cake ever
For a long period, Fort Payne’s 100-Anniversary cake was considered as the largest cake ever
In 2005, Las-Vegas broke the record. It is interesting that the cake was again devoted to the city 100 Anniversary. It was weighing 130 thousand pounds and was 34 yards long, 17 yards wide and 1,6 feet height.
Las Vegas was presented a birthday cake as large as a sports gym
Las Vegas was presented a birthday cake as large as a sports gym

The Largest Cake Sculpture

This record was set by 300 Italian pastry chefs, who created the sweet copy of their country, weighing 2205 pounds and having the size of 18x15 yd. The basis was made up of sponge cake, decorated with powdered sugar.
Italy detailed map-shaped cake
Italy detailed map-shaped cake
The bakers kept the landscape exactly and decorated the map with the small figures symbolizing the main sightseeing of the regions.
The tiny details were the hardest thing to do
The tiny details were the hardest thing to do
The cake was auctioned in Milan. As soon as the auction was over, the cake was cut in 12 thousand pieces and ate by attendees.
Slicing such masterpiece sounds like an unforgivable sacriledge
Slicing such masterpiece sounds like an unforgivable sacriledge

The Highest Cake

It is easy to bake a long cake. All you need is the sufficient amount of ingredients. What would you say about the tiered cakes?

The highest cake in the world was baked in the Indonesian capital in 2008. The students of the Hakasima-Nilasari culinary school impressed the Wonderful Christmas festival guests by sweet surprise weighing 44 thousand pounds and having 36 yards height. Unfortunately, the baking technique was kept in secret.
The cake could hardly fit the camera
The cake could hardly fit the camera
The second place went to the Nigerian cake. It was 28 feet height. It served a symbolic present to the country’s 100 Anniversary.
The second highest cake in the world

The Longest Cake

The D.A.F. pastry chefs, living in the Italian town Trofarello, baked this 33,01 yards cake. It contained 15 thousand pounds if sponge cake, custard, and whipped cream. The bakers had to sacrifice the height. This pale green cream snake top surface rose just 4 inches high above the tray.
The longest ever cake was baked in Italy
The longest ever cake was baked in Italy

Sweet Records

Let’s look at other amazing and non-regular cakes, which deserve the attention either.

In 2006, the Chinese created the largest ice-cream cake in the world, decorated by vivid bears’ muzzles. This 17,6 thousand pounds monster didn’t hit the list of the largest cakes as it was counted as the largest ice-cream in the world by the Guinness World Records.
It is not easy to make the ice-cream cake, especially not that large
It is not easy to make the ice-cream cake, especially not that large
Ukraine Guinness World Records topped the category «The Largest Confectionary Masterpiece» with an amazing sponge cake. It can really impress with its picturesque landscape, which was depicted so precisely. It has houses, windmill, railway, a castle with towers, people and animals’ figures. All this was baked from the short-dough biscuits with colored topping.
The giant sponge cake from Ukrainian pastry chefs
The giant sponge cake from Ukrainian pastry chefs
By the way, the Ukrainian pastry chefs never stop to astonish the society. Who else could bake the largest cake from bacon grease? There were taken 2300 canopy with grease for its baking. The area of the cake from the National treat was 34 square yards.
That very cake from bacon grease
That very cake from bacon grease
In 2003, there was baked the small copy of the Mausoleum at the Moscow GUM (department store) Anniversary. The sponge cake layers were decorated by the sugar icing, marzipans, berry jam, chocolate medals and 110 candles (a number of years passed over the jubilee foundation). The cake weighed 7 826 pounds, its height was about 9.8 feet and its diameter at the base was over 6.5 yards. After the ceremony, the girls in red kerchiefs treated more than 10 thousand people with the anniversary cake. The part of the cake was sent to the GUM-sponsored orphanage.
The GUM Anniversary cake
The GUM Anniversary cake
This cake’s creators should cooperate with the bakers of the cake in the form of Lenin from Mausoleum. After the photo session, the cake was cut and eaten.
Lenin cake
Lenin cake
And here is one more amazing cake. This time it was made by Czech pastry chefs. For Easter, they baked a chocolate cake in the shape of an Easter Bunny. It took 48 hours to bake the cake: 770 eggs, 159 lb of biscuit, 48,5 lb of jam, 44 lb of marzipan. After the previous defendants in this listings, this 2 yards and 368 pounds rabbit is not very impressive. Nevertheless, it entered the Guinness World Records as the largest chocolate Bunny.
That very biggest rabbit from chocolate
That very biggest rabbit from chocolate
  • Absolutely impressive.
    2018-03-13 06:20:18
  • Love, love, love each and every one of the cakes. Shout out goes to every single baker! You all did a fabulous job and went way above and beyond. You all should know that... not only are your skills super impressive, but each and every one of you inspire me to do something out of this world. Like getting back into my Native American beading once again. Just not sure what to bead just yet... But planning is all part of the fun, right?! Right. Lol. Anyway, keep up the BIG, fun, way cool work! Super cool! Next time invite me to have a piece too. Just kidding, no for real lol
    2018-03-13 06:19:58