Leo: The King of Selfishness
Leo is the walking center of the universe, at least in his own perception. He believes everyone else is thinking about him too.The most interesting part begins when Leo encounters someone else's success. In his world, there's no room for other stars. If someone near Leo receives praise or an award, rest assured he will find a way to steal the spotlight. "Oh, you won the lottery? How nice. Well, once I..." and the story continues about how Leo personally saved the world at least three times last week.
Aries: A Turbo-Mode Egoist
Aries is a sprinter egoist. He races towards his goal, sweeping everything in his path, without considering if he might hit someone along the way. For Aries, only one opinion matters—his own, and only one right path exists—the one he takes. "Why doesn't everyone do as I say? It's obvious!" is Aries' favorite mantra.Aquarius: The Intellectual Egoist
Aquarius is a unique kind of egoist. He is so confident in his uniqueness and intellectual superiority that he sincerely believes it is his duty to enlighten the world with his ideas. Aquarius believes his thoughts are so important that he must immediately share them with everyone around him, regardless of their interest.In his world, there is no concept of "another opinion" – only his brilliant ideas and the misconceptions of everyone else. If you dare to disagree with Aquarius, prepare for a lecture on your intellectual inadequacy.