The Hermit and Ten of Wands

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Hermit and Ten of Wands cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Hermit and card Ten of Wands

It turns out to be an interesting combination. The Hermit in the upright position symbolizes wisdom, awareness, and inner understanding. The Ten of Wands also in the upright position speaks of heavy obligations and continuous struggle. This may indicate that you are on the right path to your goals, but it might require more effort than you initially thought. The wisdom of the Hermit will help you endure this struggle.

Combination of card The Hermit and reversed card Ten of Wands

If the Hermit remains upright and the Ten of Wands reverses, the reversed Ten of Wands may indicate letting go of a burden or difficulties fading away. The Hermit in this context suggests that you already know the right course of action and should trust your inner voice. You might be about to release something that no longer serves your interests.

Combination of reversed card The Hermit and card Ten of Wands

Let's now look at the reversed Hermit and the upright Ten of Wands. The reversed Hermit can indicate isolation, stubbornness, or unwillingness to change. The Ten of Wands speaks of a heavy burden and struggle. You may feel like you're carrying this burden alone, and you need to open yourself to help and support from others.

Combination of reversed card The Hermit and reversed card Ten of Wands

If both cards are reversed? A reversed Hermit and a reversed Ten of Wands may indicate that you are letting go of your burden but also resisting necessary changes. You might fear stepping out of your comfort zone. This can be a challenging time, but remember that change is an inevitable part of life and it is not always bad. Listen to your inner voice to find the right path.