The Ten of Wands is a card with a dark mood. It often appears to businessmen and workaholics who work 25 hours a day. The card shows a man trying to carry ten heavy wands alone. They loom over him, blocking his view, so he can't even see where he's going. For him, there is nothing but burdens and responsibilities.Many of us might see ourselves in this figure. We often take on too much, trying to keep up here and there. We think a break is just around the corner, we just need to hold out until the weekend, vacation, or the end of the semester... But the much-awaited rest brings no satisfaction—the overload continues.
Additionally, the card can be seen as embodying sole responsibility that we did not ask for. We are left face-to-face with a "burning" problem that seems unsolvable, and there's nothing left to do but take on the role of the captain of a sinking ship.
The Ten of Wands indicates that our life will become harder for a while. We expected too much, and now all our plans for the future and bright prospects have turned to dust. We will have to fight for every small victory, and every tiny step will feel like a decisive battle.
Symbolism of the Card
In the Ten of Wands, we see a person struggling to carry a bundle of wands. His bent posture clearly shows the weight of his burden, but he keeps moving forward with determination.The man tries to control the situation, but in reality, the wands control him. Because of his heavy load, he can't see the road ahead – just like us, when we dive into work and forget what truly matters. However, it's worth remembering that this is the last card before the first court card of the Wands suit – the final push.
The wands depicted on this card are very close to each other. No previous card shows this. Gathered in a bundle, they create a powerful energy impulse, similar to the one indicated by the Ace of Wands. Will the person be able to bear such a load?
In the right corner of the card, we see a house. This is the person's destination, the goal he strives to reach, enduring the weight and discomfort. The house is near, and its proximity motivates him to keep fighting.
Key Meaning
The general meaning of the arcana is easy to understand: it will be difficult, but you need to gather your strength and act persistently yet patiently. Only courage and commitment to your goal will help you regain control of the situation.The Ten of Wands urges the querent to pay attention to the quality of their life. Has their desire to help others harmed their own well-being? Do they feel the freedom necessary for new beginnings? Are they shouldering all the responsibility in relationships, or do they share it with their partner? Ultimately, do they feel like they are living a fulfilling life?
The card's meaning differs in its upright and reversed positions. Upright, it openly speaks of a difficult period and an overwhelming load, while reversed, it suggests ways to shed the heavy burden.
Key words associated with this arcana:
- forced resolution of complex problems,
- difficult work,
- challenging circumstances,
- need to be strong and patient.
General Meaning of the Card in an Upright Position
Ten of Wands often indicates that the querent is taking on too much to achieve their desired goals. At the same time, excessive burden can result from already achieved goals, such as a promotion or business expansion. Work and personal life can't find balance, leading to significant imbalance.Additionally, the card may warn of the price of success, regardless of whether this success is in the future or present. You might be gathering all your strength, striving for your desired goal, or you might have already achieved what you dreamed of, but as a result, your responsibilities have increased significantly, draining all your mental and physical energy.
In any case, the Ten of Wands signifies your persistence, determination, willpower, and ambition. However, it also reminds you that the cost of victories and achievements can be unreasonably high.
General Meaning of the Reversed Card
The reversed Ten of Wands shows that the querent is giving up under the weight of excessive responsibility, which he has sentenced himself to. The root of most of his problems is likely a mistrust of colleagues or subordinates and an unwillingness to delegate tasks due to doubts about others' competence.Sometimes the reversed arcana indicates an abuse of power—the querent does not hesitate to use his position to dominate others.
There is a possibility of losing everything acquired, especially if neighboring cards in the spread are unfavorable. If the reversed Ten of Wands appears but neighboring cards are favorable, the threat of loss remains, but the querent has every chance to come out victorious.
The reversed Ten of Wands predicts the end of a difficult period. The querent will finally get rid of a problem that has been hanging over him like the Sword of Damocles. This happens for two reasons: he either simply walks away without completing the task, or he is forced to stop due to deteriorating health.
The Meaning of the Ten of Wands in Love in Upright Position
In love spreads, the Ten of Wands indicates that the querent has taken on too much in their current relationship and neglects their own needs. They might not be used to openly expressing their feelings and behave passive-aggressively, which ultimately harms the relationship. However, arguments and emotional distance could be avoided if the person were more honest and open.The main message of the Ten of Wands in matters of love is: don't be afraid to ask for help. An outside opinion can help you see the situation from a fresh perspective.
The Meaning of the Reversed Card in Love
The reversed Ten of Wands in love readings can be interpreted in two ways. The first meaning is that one partner leaves the other because they were not ready for the difficulties that came their way. The second is that one partner is under external pressure and feels stuck.Ten of Wands as the Card of the Day
When the Ten of Wands appears in the "Card of the Day" reading, its meaning can be as follows:- In the upright position: Today, fate might give you more than you can handle. Set priorities and do what is important at the moment. You may need to work overtime. But don't overwork yourself – your health is more valuable than any material wealth.
- In the reversed position: Today, you might feel helpless and that all efforts are futile. But remember, the darkest night is always before the dawn. The solution is actually close; just make one last push.
What the Ten of Wands Warns About
The Ten of Wands can warn about overworking and the need to reevaluate your commitments and goals. It can also indicate power struggles in relationships, where each partner wants to control the other.To handle these challenges, consider the following advice from the arcana:
- Free yourself from excessive burdens. Learn to share responsibilities and delegate tasks. Trust people, especially those proven over time!
- Reevaluate your priorities. You can't be everywhere at once. Some tasks need to be postponed, others delegated, and some may need to be set aside entirely.
- Find a balance between personal and work life. Work takes up too much of your time. This can't go on for long – it's time to give yourself a break.