The Devil and The Sun

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Devil and The Sun cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Devil and card The Sun

The Sun upright and The Devil upright form a combination that speaks of a struggle between light and darkness. It resembles a situation where a person tries to stay true to their ideals, but the temptations of the world constantly allure them. It's important to remember your values and strive for the light, even if temptation seems so appealing.

Combination of reversed card The Devil and card The Sun

When the Sun is upright and combined with the reversed Devil, it may indicate the victory of light over darkness. It could mean liberation from certain dependencies or negative influences. This reminds us of the moment when a person overcame their fears and difficulties, leaving them in the past and moving towards new bright prospects.

Combination of card The Devil and reversed card The Sun

The combination of the reversed Sun and the upright Devil may suggest that darkness has taken over the light. This can indicate situations where a person succumbs to negative influences, forgetting their ideals and values. It's important to remember the inner light that always stays with you and not let the darkness consume it.

Combination of reversed card The Devil and reversed card The Sun

The reversed Sun and reversed Devil is a complex combination that may indicate inner rebellion and conflict. It suggests a period in life where one must fight inner demons and seek light in the darkness. It resembles a situation where a person tries to find their way through difficult circumstances without losing faith in a brighter future.