Combination of card Ten of Wands and card Page of Wands
Page of Wands upright vibrates with energy and enthusiasm, ready for new beginnings, while the Ten of Wands upright signals a heavy burden and overload. This may indicate a situation where enthusiasm and the desire to start something new can lead to overwork. For example, when a person starts a new project full of energy and ideas, but eventually finds that they have taken on too many commitments.
Combination of reversed card Ten of Wands and card Page of Wands
The reversed Ten of Wands signals the need to let go of some obligations to lighten the load. Combined with the upright Page of Wands, it may indicate a situation where someone overwhelmed with responsibilities finds new energy or ideas that help them redistribute their priorities and free themselves from unnecessary burdens.
Combination of card Ten of Wands and reversed card Page of Wands
The Reversed Page of Wands can indicate a lack of energy or enthusiasm, while the Upright Ten of Wands can represent overload or a heavy burden. This combination may suggest a situation where a person feels tired and drained due to the heavy burden of responsibilities.
Combination of reversed card Ten of Wands and reversed card Page of Wands
The reversed Page of Wands along with the reversed Ten of Wands may indicate a situation where a person is freed from some of their obligations, and as a result, begins to feel less energetic or their enthusiasm for new ideas starts to fade.