Combination of card Ten of Pentacles and card The Devil
What a combination! The Devil in an upright position and the Ten of Pentacles also upright. This indicates a strong desire for prosperity and stability. However, there is also a danger of becoming dependent on material goods and their constant growth. It's important not to lose sight of true values, as greed or an obsession with wealth may hide under these two cards.
Combination of reversed card Ten of Pentacles and card The Devil
The Devil remains upright, but the Ten of Pentacles has reversed. This could indicate a significant loss and instability, leading to anxiety and fear. However, these challenges might also become a catalyst for breaking free from dependencies and stereotypes. It's a time to rethink values and perspectives on life.
Combination of card Ten of Pentacles and reversed card The Devil
The Devil has now reversed, and the Ten of Pentacles is upright. This shows victory over one's fears and dependencies. Perhaps this happened due to abundance and financial stability. However, one should not forget that spiritual growth and overcoming obstacles are more important than material well-being. This is a time for self-improvement and striving for spiritual wealth.
Combination of reversed card Ten of Pentacles and reversed card The Devil
This final combination shows both the Devil and the Ten of Pentacles reversed. It indicates a significant loss or crisis, but also a release from old stereotypes and dependencies. On the other hand, it can signify a reluctance to face reality and a refusal to overcome difficulties. It's important not to fall into despair and to find the strength within yourself to overcome all challenges. This might be a time for profound changes and new beginnings.