Temperance and The Tower

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Temperance and The Tower cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Temperance and card The Tower

Imagine a scene: Temperance and the Tower in an upright position. This combination is quite unusual. Temperance symbolizes harmony, balance, and patience, while the Tower represents radical changes and the destruction of the old. This could mean that harmony and balance in life will suddenly be disrupted. Perhaps something has been brewing for a long time and is about to happen. It's important to stay calm and ready for changes. Don't be afraid, because after destruction always comes restoration.

Combination of card Temperance and reversed card The Tower

Moderation in an upright position and the Tower in reverse can indicate that upcoming changes won't be as drastic as expected. The reversed Tower signifies a delay in disaster or a positive change. Moderation will guide you on how to act in new conditions. It helps maintain harmony and balance despite any difficulties.

Combination of reversed card Temperance and card The Tower

Reversed Temperance and the Tower is a combination that suggests a possible loss of control and balance. You might have to go through a crisis or a period of instability. The Tower in this pair symbolizes sudden but necessary changes. Remember that after the storm, calm always follows, and even the most difficult situations tend to resolve themselves.

Combination of reversed card Temperance and reversed card The Tower

Inverted Temperance and the inverted Tower might indicate that necessary changes are slowing down or being delayed. There may be some reluctance to change or fear of new things. It's important to remember that you can't avoid changes forever. Inverted Temperance suggests the need to restore inner balance and harmony.