Archetype of the Temperance Card
Temperance is one of the fundamental virtues, alongside the Strength and Justice cards, represented by a female figure.
It helps us gain life experience and harmonize opposing forces: black and white, good and evil, male and female, material and spiritual. The card symbolizes eternal movement on a cosmic level, the balance of life forces.
The Temperance card represents self-control and discipline, reminding us of the need to find balance between our desires and needs, logic and emotions, spiritual and base needs. It emphasizes the necessity of compromise, the golden mean, instead of extreme behavior. The Temperance card also highlights the importance of patience and self-control in decision-making, especially when seeking consensus between differing viewpoints.
The Symbolism of the Temperance Card
The card depicts an angel pouring liquid from one cup to another without spilling a drop. It symbolizes discipline and self-control. The liquid in the cups represents the essence of life, the past flowing into the future through the present. This process also embodies the blending of two opposing states – living and dead water – in search of harmony.In the background, the Sun symbolizes our "spiritual home," the world from which our soul originates. The angel comes from there. The crown on the angel's head hints at the mystery of eternal life, while the symbol on the angel's chest, uniting the elements of Fire and Earth, represents the pursuit of an ideal.
Key Meaning of the Temperance Card
Temperance is a "moderating" card. Positioned between Death and The Devil, it speaks of the ability to control the most challenging circumstances and independently handle uncertainty and changes.
In a general context, the Temperance card in Tarot symbolizes balance, peace, patience, and moderation. This major arcana indicates that the querent has found inner harmony and has the right perspective on things.
It also signifies that the querent's relationships are harmonious: they have learned not to get drawn into others' conflicts or let life's troubles throw them off balance. Instead, they face difficulties with a clear mind and a calm heart, maintaining inner equilibrium.
The Temperance arcana can also mean that the querent has found peace and tranquility and feels content. The card suggests that they are truly in harmony with their inner self, values, and moral compass.
General Meaning of the Temperance Card in the Upright Position
The Temperance card speaks of the need to live a life of tolerance and harmony. Life's energy flows smoothly around the seeker without significant obstacles. It's time to restore the "flow" and bring order and balance back into life.
The more people you involve in following this principle, the better. By collaborating with others, you can channel an ideal combination of talents, experience, abilities, and skills towards good causes, much like an artist blending basic colors to create a unique shade, or a chef experimenting with spices.
Moreover, the Temperance card indicates that the seeker has a clear long-term goal, and instead of rushing towards it, advises taking a pause to find the shortest path to success.
The Temperance card can also remind you of the need for a balanced and reasonable approach to finances. It warns against the dangers of both reckless spending and endless hoarding of resources without using them.
Additionally, the card may point to emerging opportunities for achieving professional goals through endurance and persistence. Be more attentive and avoid jumping at the first opportunity if there's a chance for something better (e.g., a salary increase or professional growth) in the future. The card also suggests that you are successfully managing your career in conjunction with other aspects of your life.
General Meaning of the Temperance Card in Reverse
The reversed Temperance card suggests that the querent recently experienced a period of excess and overindulgence (gluttony, expensive purchases, addictions, conflicts with loved ones, etc.). However, they now have the opportunity to restore balance and tune into the right wavelength. The card warns: due to excesses, you distance yourself from your true essence or goal, so it's time to stop. As they say, everything is good in moderation.
According to the tarot reader at, the reversed Temperance card speaks of the need for reflection and re-evaluation of life priorities. Consider this an excellent opportunity to align your internal and external feelings. To bring life back into balance, you may need to make changes in your living conditions, interpersonal relationships, and work.
The Meaning of the Temperance Card in Love in Upright Position
In the context of a love reading, the Temperance card is considered one of the best cards, especially if the querent is in a serious relationship. It means that he and his partner have achieved the perfect combination of love, devotion, and respect, and every minute spent together brings joyful emotions. It also symbolizes a soulful connection.
If the querent is single, Temperance predicts that if he manages to balance the main aspects of his life, a loving person will inevitably appear in his life.
The Temperance card in a love and relationship reading can mean tolerance, balance, compassion, and choosing the golden mean. This card advises caution and thoughtfulness in decision-making and to avoid extremes.
When it comes to love, it's worth reflecting on your behavior in areas where your beliefs may be too aggressive or too cautious. You might give too much or too little—Temperance doesn't like imbalances in either direction.
The Meaning of the Temperance Card in Love When Reversed
When the reversed Temperance card appears in a love reading, it can indicate friction and disagreements caused by instability in the relationship. It may suggest that one partner feels neglected or believes they are giving more than the other.Discord is brewing in the relationship, and instead of working together to solve common problems, the querent may find that two loving hearts have turned into irreconcilable enemies. To better handle emerging issues, the card advises being open to conversations and avoiding conflict.

Temperance as the Card of the Day
When the Temperance card appears in a "Card of the Day" reading, answering the question "What awaits me today?", it can have the following meanings:- Upright position: The card initiates profound changes that will definitely lead to better outcomes. It suggests the possibility of creating something new; you just need to be open to these changes for them to fully unfold. In your personal life, you will achieve a deep understanding with your loved one. At work, try to solve problems without losing your inner balance: complete tasks calmly and with a clear purpose.
- Reversed position: Today, you will find it difficult to achieve balance in life. You might feel strong emotions or concerns that hinder achieving harmony. The Temperance card in the reversed position can also indicate that you may need more patience and time today.
What the Temperance Card Warns About
The Temperance card can warn about the need to find balance and harmony in life. It may indicate that there is an imbalance in someone's life and that achieving harmony sometimes requires compromises.
The Temperance card may also advise being patient and not rushing decisions: achieving success can take time and patience.