Temperance and The Sun

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Temperance and The Sun cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Temperance and card The Sun

Moderation in a direct position and the Sun in a direct position together create harmony and balance. Everything around is filled with light and energy. This is a time when you can be confident in your actions and make decisions without fear of making mistakes. For example, you do something you've always wanted to do, and it brings you great pleasure.

Combination of card Temperance and reversed card The Sun

Moderation in the upright position and the Sun in the reversed position indicate a situation where you need to exercise special caution. You might be overestimating your capabilities or acting too impulsively. This could lead to quick fatigue or even conflicts. For example, you are working on a project and it seems like everything is going perfectly, but in reality, you lack objectivity.

Combination of reversed card Temperance and card The Sun

A combination of the reversed Temperance and the upright Sun may suggest that you feel out of control or overwhelmed. You might feel like you're losing control of your life. It may be difficult for you to maintain balance and moderation in your actions. For example, you notice that your actions are becoming increasingly chaotic and uncontrolled.

Combination of reversed card Temperance and reversed card The Sun

The last combination - reversed Temperance and the Sun - signals that you might have given up in the face of difficulties or lost faith in the successful completion of your endeavors. You may find it hard to see the positive sides of the situation, and all your actions seem pointless. For example, you are working on a project, but everything is not going as planned, and you start doubting its successful completion.