Six of Wands and Seven of Wands

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Six of Wands and Seven of Wands cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Six of Wands and card Seven of Wands

Six of Wands in an upright position and Seven of Wands in an upright position indicate well-being and courage. Together, they promise success, stability, and goal achievement. It's like overcoming difficulties and getting what you wanted. Together, they symbolize triumph, victory, and reaching goals. You might need to increase your efforts to achieve your desires.

Combination of card Six of Wands and reversed card Seven of Wands

The combination of the Six of Wands upright and the Seven of Wands reversed suggests that you may be close to achieving your goals, but obstacles could slow your progress. It's like being near the finish line in a marathon and suddenly feeling exhausted. You need to show patience and perseverance to overcome these challenges.

Combination of reversed card Six of Wands and card Seven of Wands

The reversed Six of Wands combined with the upright Seven of Wands suggests being more realistic in your expectations. It's like building a sandcastle on the beach, only to have the waves wash it away. You may need to reassess your goals, as some of them might be unattainable at the moment.

Combination of reversed card Six of Wands and reversed card Seven of Wands

When both arcana are reversed, they warn of possible obstacles and failures. This could mean a sudden job loss or an unexpected illness. However, don't panic, as this situation is temporary. This combination also reminds you to learn from difficulties and use them for personal growth.